<br />adjourned
<br />in Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Thursday, June 29, 1939, in regular/meeting with the
<br />following members of the Board present; C. S. Michael, Chairman; Frank C. Vickers; S. E. Gla
<br />and W. C. Graves, Jr. Absent; Albert O..Helseth. Also present were Wm. Frick, Sheriff; Chas.
<br />A. Mitdhell, Attorney and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Board aut-borized and instructed Attorney Mitch$ll to son-dtelegrams to Senator
<br />Andrews and Senator Pepper_,_ urging their support on the Amendment to the Wilcox'Bankruptoy Act
<br />so as to include Counties,kas well as Cities and Municipalities. Attorney Mitchell was further)
<br />instructed to send a telegram to the Board of Administrationq�raliahassei, Florida,'requesting
<br />that they make no payment of funds held to the account of Ind�an River County except to aecotAni
<br />of refunding Obligations.
<br />At the request of Chai an Michael, on motion made by S. E. Glover, seconded by W. C,
<br />Graves, Jr., and carried, Chairman Michael was instructed to request Mr. Connelly to replace
<br />the lanterns of Winter Beach bridge which he had ¢sed as a shield and or protection to the
<br />electric lights whlobhhad been installed on the bridge.
<br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board
<br />then adjourned until the regular meeting to be held in. July, which shall be first Monday in
<br />July, as provided by law.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
<br />Monday, July 3, 1939.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met in the Office of the
<br />Clerk of the Circuit Court at Vero Beach, in the County of Indian River, on this the 3rd,, 'Day
<br />of July, 19399 and the following County. Commissioners were present; C. S. Michael, Chairman;
<br />n
<br />Frank C. Vickers; S. E. Glover; Albert 0. Helseth and W. C. Graves, Jr. Also present were
<br />Wm. Frick, Sheriff, Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney to the Board and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Clerk of the Circuit Court having prepared estimates of the revenue and receipt
<br />from sources other than from taxes to be levied,.reasonably to be expected from the first
<br />day of October 1939 to the 30th day of September 1940, the said estimates.having been proper)
<br />verified under oath were ordered spread upon the minutes of the Board and the original -to be
<br />filed as part of the records of the Board, and is in words -and figures as follows: -
<br />License, Occupational, R.R. & Tel. etc.. .............. 3000.00
<br />Tag Redemptions ......................................... 400.00 -
<br />Race Tract Funds................ ...................... 14000.00
<br />7406.0�f
<br />Fines & costs............ ............................. $ 2500.00
<br />Tax Redemptions.... 200.00
<br />Race Tract.Funds.... 2000.00
<br />Cash Balance.... ......... 2000.00
<br />+6700.0
<br />'fax Redemptions..............,,,,.* ............ 400.00
<br />Race Tract Funds ..................................... 9000.00
<br />=400-00
<br />Tax Redemptions........... ............................ $ 50"00
<br />Cash Balance•••.•••••••••••.••••..••••.••••.•••••••••• $ 400'{..000
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