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,r <br />The Board took under advisement, a request from Charles S. Kuster, for assistgnee ink <br />behalf of Mrs. Roy Lingenfelter and 10 year old son. <br />At the request of Mr. George T..TiePin, the Board appropriated $200.00 from the pub - <br />blicity fund in the 1939-1940 budget for the Indian River County.$xhibit at the Tamba State <br />Fair commencing the last week in January -;1940. The Board..authorized Mr. T.ippin to attend a. <br />meeting to'be held in Tampa, July 14,.1939, of all County Agents and representatives of Countls, <br />who participated, to revise premium list and to suggest regulations that may be thought <br />necessary, the expenses of'the trip be paid by the County. <br />George A. James, surveyor, appeared before the Board and presented a plat of a Resub- <br />division of Block 1, and a -strip of land north of Block 1 designated as Kirk Brothers -to A. G. <br />Roberts et al, all as shown on a plat. of. Edgewater Park, a S/D of Section -6, Township 31 South, <br />Mange 39 East in City of Sebastain as recorded in Plat Book 1,, at page 23 of the records of <br />Indian River.County., for approval by'. th s Board._in_.,,�,"cA 'carmity with the .law. The Chairman: ,was <br />instructed to.. execute approval of. his __plat .on b_eh f..of the -board County' Commissioners. <br />The County Depository filed its monthly- statBmett siring roesipts and - disb=vMents <br />of the Vario}s funds which having been audited were found to be correct. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County havingtbeen audited, were examined <br />and found correct, were approved and warrants ordered issued in settlement of the same, such <br />bills and accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The.wa <br />isauedofrom the respective funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute.Book as required by <br />the rules and practice of the State Auditing Department, referefte to said record and the list <br />so recoftAd be -Ing sonde a part of these minutes. <br />It, was : then resolved :,that at a_. regular meeting, of this Hoard to be = held on' the," 8th. <br />day of.,August, 1939., the..heret_ofore; estimates .of the expenses for the fiscal year 1939.1940 as <br />made by the Board, shall be taken up and considered and acted upon.and at the same time the <br />tax levy for the year 1939, will be made. <br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, <br />journed until 2:00 P.M. Saturday July 15, 1939. <br />the Board ad- <br />CAN <br />ATTEST: ; <br />----------- ------ ------- -------s-------------rr-----------.-----------------------.mow---------.�. <br />Saturday July 15, 1939. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court house in <br />Vero Beach, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Saturday, July 15, 1939 in regular adjourned meeting w13th-the <br />following members bf the,Board present; C. S. Michail, Chairman;, Albert 0. Helseth, S. E. GlovF <br />.and Frank C. Vickers. Absent: W. D. Graves -,,Jr, Also present were Wm..WFrick, Sheriff; Chas. <br />A. Mitheell, Attorney for the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Messrs. T,. F. Palmer, N. B..Ryall, A. S. Pfarr,.S. C. Bbers, E. E. Smith, D. C. Cox, <br />and R. D. Carter, citizens and tax payers.of Wabasso and Indian River County appeared before <br />the Board regarding a drainage promblem that confronted them on their property near and ad- <br />joining the Wabasso-Oellsmere road -running Nest of the Lateral (A) road. After.donsiderable <br />discussion as to ways and means of solving the problem, it was moved by A. 0. Heleeth, secondee <br />by S. E. Glover and carried, that the County furnish the drag line labor and fuel to dig a <br />ditch to releive the drainage sitaation,,for-the sum of 120.00 per day (8hrs.) or if deemed ad- <br />Visable, _the . Board. wou3.d::plaoe culverts under . the.:.. Lateral (A) road and the Will Fee rodd, in <br />a 'I <br />order to try and equalize the drainage. Attorney Mitchell advised that in the event the ditch <br />II_ was dug it would-be necessary to obtain consent of persons over whose property the ditch might <br />II and <br />be dug,,/also the consent of Graves Brothers Company to drain into their.canal. <br />It, <br />i <br />1 <br />1 <br />i-, <br />