<br />n
<br />Mr. Thomas B. Shelley representing Clewiston Motor Company, appeared before the Board
<br />with regard to a Motor -Grader for the County. It was,itoved by S. E. Glover, seconded by'Albert
<br />0. Helseth, and carried that Attorney Mitchell be instructed'to prepare a notice for bids on
<br />a Motor -Grader.
<br />It was ordered that.Douglas Baker, Clerk, be allowed to purchase a Lien Record book
<br />for the Clerks office, same to be paid frcmtthe Excess Fe -e Fund.
<br />The following Road Committee report was recQlvsdl.and filed:
<br />We, the undersi.gged Committee appointed by..Honorable Body on .the 7th., Zuly, 1935,
<br />with instructions to view and mark our the best route for a public road, described in the pe4
<br />tition as follows, to -wit:
<br />r
<br />The following description of the center line of .a road, known as Braddock Road in
<br />Indian River County, north of State Rodd No. 167, is intended to describe a road night of Way,
<br />being . sixty-six (661) feet wide., tarty -three (339 ) feet on either side of the said center 1
<br />so described.
<br />Beginning at a point in the center -line of State Road No. 167-, (Fellsmere-Sebastian
<br />Road) said point being 1048.70 feet due east of the Section line between Sections 23
<br />and 22 in Township 31 South of Range 38 East, said Section -Line assumed to be due
<br />From said point -of beginning, run N 10012' W a distance of 500.00 feet to Station 5tO ,
<br />said point being the P.I. (point of intersection) of a 1° 21!28" durve.-to the Right,
<br />having a Radius of 4217.07 feet, a central angle of 2°45',. and a T.D. (tangent distanoe
<br />of 100.00 feet..
<br />Thence; Run N 7°271 W a distance of 652.85 feet to Sta, ll -152.85 said point being the
<br />P.I. of a 2034119"_Curve.to the. -right, having a radius of 2230.81 feet, a central angl
<br />of 50DS' and a T.D. of 100.00 feet,
<br />Thence; Run N 201VW a distnce of 847.15 feet to Station 204-00.00, said point -being
<br />the P.I. of -a 01130' carve to the left, having a radius of 11,459.2 feet, a central
<br />angle of 1030' and a T.D. of 150.00 feet,
<br />Thence; Run 13°49'W, a distance of 500.00 feet teSta. 25.#00.0 said point being the
<br />P:I. of. a Q° 30' kurve to the left, having a radius of 11,459.2 feet, .a 0-ntral angle
<br />of 2000! and a T.D. of 200.02 fest,
<br />Thence; Run N. e491W a distance of 743.16 feet to Sta. 32.#43.16, said point b-eAng the
<br />P. I. of a eOO1 carve to the left, having a radius of 1438.16 feet, 'a central angle
<br />of 20600' and a T.D. of 253.586 feet,_ Sta. 32743.16 equals Sta. 32 37.23 in measuring
<br />ahead. DATION;
<br />Thence; Run N 25° 49' W a distnace of 462.77 feet to Ste. 37+00.0 said point beg the
<br />P. I. of a 6000' curve to the right, haying a radius of 955.366 feet, a central angle
<br />of 24°421. and a T.D. of 209.18 feet, compounded at Sta. 34190.82 with the precedding
<br />earve,
<br />Thence; Run N 5631i W, 2042.73 feet to Sta. 60151.50 which.is equal to Station 59
<br />54.92 ahead, EQUATION, said point being the P.I. of,an 8°00' curve.to the right, hav-
<br />ing a radius of 716.779 feet, a central angle of 66al2t and a T.D. of 465.48 feet,
<br />Thence; Run N 15041'E, 3830.25 feet to Sta. 97185.17, said point being the P.I of a
<br />7'0001 curve to the left, having a radius of 819.020 feet, a central angle of 261-06'
<br />A T.D. of 189.84 feet
<br />Thence; Run N 10025 W, 1032. 83 feet to Ste. 108*18.00, said point being the P.I. of
<br />a.6°001 curve to the right, having a radius of 955.366 feet, a central angle of 12'30
<br />