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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:19:51 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 10:35:43 AM
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the State Law starts the season November 20th, and <br />INASMUCH as Section 1977 (44) Compiled General Laws of-Floridg, Permanent Supplement <br />tdabthat the Commission of.Gtme,and Fresh Nater Fish shall prescribe and declare open <br />season -on ducks in'-sn# County when requested to do so by the Board of +bounty Commissioners, <br />when consistent with the regulations of the federal Craw, and <br />INASMUCH as this Board of.County Commissioners has been solicited by sportsmeh from <br />all over the State -to endeavor to get the State law set up to November 15th, in harmony with <br />the, -.Federal -Law, <br />TORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Indian River County.Board of County Commissioners t <br />the Commission of Game and Fresh Nater Fish be requested to open the duck season in Indian Ri <br />County on November 15th* which will give -Indian River County the same season as set up by Fed- <br />eral Regulations, <br />The Resolution was duly seconded by Frank C. Vickers and upon being put to vote the <br />same was unanimously adopted. <br />Tuesday, October 10th., was set as the date for road inspection. <br />On motion made. by 3...B. Glover.. seconded by W, C. Graves, Jr., and carried it was <br />-.authorized that marl -be hauled to Fellsmere High School grounds. <br />On motion -made by S. .F. Glover, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried„Bdgerton <br />Carter, Surveyor, was -authorized end instructed that a survey be made and the proper stakes <br />_ :._be. , -set in oonnection.:with- thal°•inter Beach Cemet.ary Frojeot: <br />On motion made by -N:.. V.. Grave a,, . Jr_; secondedby �:. F. Mover and unanimously carried <br />F. W. Rodenberg, Agent was authorized to write.a-: 50.00 deductable collision Insurance Policy <br />on the New Plymouth pick-up truck.recently purchased by the County. <br />Mr, Carl Pay, Cocoa,. Florida appeared before the Board and presented the matter of <br />Nos. `$4 and 25. <br />two Vero Bridge District BondsX The Board.. then approved the. entering into and- agreement -to,'. <br />extend the .principa Bonds -to bear..interest at contract rate for period of extention,aocordingl <br />to agreemot entered” into and filed in -the office of the Clerk. <br />;r..a :T# -+sl <br />Commissioner Glover introduced the following Resolution and moved its ad6ption, to - <br />wit: <br />Whereas, by reason of matters beyo#d the contrbl of the County Assessor of, taxes of <br />the Board of County Commissioners, additional timeis necessary for the presentation of the <br />County tax assessment rell for the year 1939 and the approval of the same by the Board of Count <br />Commissioners; therefore, <br />Be It 'Resolved that the time for presentation of the tax assessment roll of Indiain <br />River County for the year 1939 to the Board of County Commissioners of said. County by the Count <br />� v 4.. n <br />Tax Assessor of taxes, be, and it is, extended until October 17, 1939, at which time the same <br />shall bd presented tosaidBoard for consideration and final approval. <br />The motion forthe adoption of the resolution being duly seconded by Commissioner <br />Graves, it was declared.adopted by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Michael, Glover, Graves, -Vickers ead Helseth. <br />Hayes: None. <br />RESOLUTION <br />e Commissioner Helseth introduced the following Resolution and moved Its adoption, to <br />wit: <br />WHEREAS, there have heretofore been iasued Refunding Bonds (hereinafter identified <br />as "said Refunding Bonds") for the purpose of refunding outstanding road and bridge bonded <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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