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1 <br />It was ordered Mrs. Maud McLane be removed from.the Mother's Pension Fund as she is <br />now employed by the Vero Beach Laundry. <br />A letter was received from the City of Vero Beach requesting a member of the Board of <br />County <br />/Commissioner attend a meeting in Tallahassee with the State Road Department, at some future date <br />together with other members of the Committee handling the right of way matter on Road# 30. The <br />latter was ordered filed and Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed to advise the City that in <br />the Boards opinion, the proper procedure at this time would be to go ahead with condemnation <br />proceedings, on any portion of the regdired right of way that can hot be obtained by voluntary <br />eonveyanee,in veiw of the feet that members of the Board had already -been to Tallahassee to <br />meet with the State Road Department and had accomplished all that could be accomplished -at such <br />meeting. <br />On motion made by Albert 0. Helseth,seconded by S. E. Glover, and unanimoubly carried, <br />ell <br />Mitcw-Smith & Mitchell, Attorneys.for the Board were instructed'to begin the condemnation pro- <br />ceedings as to obtaining the required right of way on State Road # 30, upon being advised by <br />the committee handling right of way matter that any portion of the same can not be obtained by <br />voluntary conveyance . <br />01 <br />Commissioner G -raves suggested that it would be a gopAdea to construct three fire <br />towers equipped with telephones at various the County and requested E. R. Carter, <br />Road Superintendant, to furnish estimated cost of construction of'said towers as to both meal <br />and wood materials. <br />At the request of Chas. S. Kuster andonmotion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seconded <br />by W. C. Graves,,Zr4 and unanimously carried, the Board appropriated $100 for the purpose of <br />helping pay the belance due on°the cost of promoting the Armistace Day Oblebration. <br />On motion made- ._by W., C.... Graves_, ,Tr.,. seconded by Albert 0. Helseth and unanimously <br />carried,-B..E.. _.Carter, .poad..Superintendant .was... instructed to purchase a used truot at a price <br />not to.exceed $250.00. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County parse, appeared before the Board and made a report of <br />her activities for the month of December, 1939 as follows, to -wit: <br />X-611) 4 Wev) f :�-" ti ;1 1144 .# .4 <br />DECEMBER 1939. <br />Number of cases for the month <br />Number of visits to cases <br />Number of visits in behalf of cases <br />Number of office interviews <br />Number of cases to local hospital <br />Number of cases to dentist <br />Number of cases referred to private physician <br />Number of cases to State T. B. Sanatorium <br />Number of visits to schobis <br />73 <br />80 <br />25 <br />87 <br />2 <br />3 <br />3 <br />1 <br />10 <br />A talk "health in the School" was given at a group meeting of the colored teachers <br />at the Gifford School. <br />It was the privilege of the nurse to asslblthe Christmas Committee with the Christmas, <br />Celebration. <br />As it is the end of the year all cases are being closed. <br />Application of Annie Andrews for admission -to the Florida State Tuberculosis Sanatoria <br />was approved. <br />to -ft -t: <br />,RESOLUTION <br />Commissioner S. L. Glover introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption <br />