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396 <br />a sum of money byvirtue of distribution by the State.of.Florida among the Counties of said <br />State of proceeds from Racing in the State; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County have heavy demands <br />upon said Board for the operation of the County government and particularly for the purpose of <br />relief and which relief funds are expended in feeding, clothing, housing and providing medical <br />attention and hospitalization for the young, the sick and the aged who would be otherwise with- <br />out such necessities; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of ludian River County realize that the <br />people of said County have a tax burden which is as great as they can bear at. this time and <br />under present conditions, therefore said Board does not wish to increase taxes as would be <br />necessary in the event it was deprived of the proceeds of said Racing monies now used for the <br />operation of County aovernment;.and <br />WHEREAS, the schools of Indian River.County are in need of funds for the operation <br />of said schools and.the Parent Teachers Association,of the County, the Board of Public Instruct <br />ion and citizens generally in said County, including the members of the Board of County Commis- <br />sioners of Indian River County, each of whom have children, are interested in making all.pos- <br />Bible provisions for the proper operation of the,County school system; and <br />WHEREAS, persons interested in the operation of.the public schools wish to obtain a <br />portion of the funds received by the Board of County Commissioners of this Court from the State <br />as represented by said Racing monies and.this.Board of County Commissioners being anxious and <br />willing to cooperate in this respect; therefore, <br />BE`,"IT RESOLVED that this Board of County Commissioners, for itself as a Board and fol <br />the members thereof as long as the same shall hold such position, does herewith state that Gael <br />year, including the present year and subsequent years, that all the portion of said monies re- <br />ceived by the Board of County Commissioners from the State, as represented by said Racing <br />monies, over and above the amount this Board of County Commissioners finds necessary to actual- <br />ly budget for County operations under the direction of this Board, shall be paid over to the <br />,use of the public schools in this County with the provision that for the benefit of said public <br />schools said monies shall be held and paid over by this Board of County Commissioners in such <br />manner as shall insure that the same shall be actually the current maintenance of said <br />schools, and in order that said monies nor any monies which might be replaced by this appropri- <br />ation shall not reach the hands of any persons holding claims or demands against said Board of <br />Public Instruction other than claims and demands for th'e current year in which said monies <br />shall be paid over and which claims and demands in such current year shall be solely for the <br />operation and maintenance of said public schools. <br />The foregoing resolution having been introduced by Commissioner Clover, who moved <br />its adoption, it was declared adopted by the following vote: <br />Ayes: C. S. Mioheel,.Albert 0, Helseth, S. F..Glover, W. C. Graves, Jr.,F. C. Vickers. <br />Nays: None. <br />On motion made by W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Frank C. Vickers and unanimously <br />carried it was ordered a warrant be issued on the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Public <br />Instruction in the sum of $6562.98, representing surplus of Race Tract Funds or an amount over <br />and above that which was budgeted bythis Board for the fiscal year 1939-1940. , <br />Paul Luther and W. L. Strickland appeared before the Board and requested a graded <br />road north of Road 30, Townships 31 and 32, Range 35. E. 'E. Carter, Road Superintendent was <br />requested to furnish the Board with an estimate as to cost of grading said road for further <br />consideration. <br />A petition signed by M. J. Jeffreys and many other residents of the Town of Roseland <br />1 <br />