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IJ <br />RESOLUTION-CONSOMATING JUSTICE OF THE PEACE <br />IFDISTRICT-NOS. 1 & 3. <br />Commissioner Frank C. Vickers introduced the following Resolution and moved its <br />adoption to -wit: .f <br />a <br />WHEREAS, There is a Justice of the Peace District in Indian River County, Florida, <br />namely, Justice of the Peace District No. 30 in and for which no Justice of the Peace haw-beeen. <br />eleoted,qualified or commissioned, and it is deemed necessary and advisable that said Justice, <br />of the Peace District No. 3 in said county be ettaohed to the territory of an adjacent Justice <br />of the Peace District, namely, Justice of the Peace District No. 1, as said districts are de -`'Y <br />fined under and by virtue of the previous proceedings of this Board under date Jo�f July 21st, <br />1925, and as set out in County Commissioners' Minutes Record Book 1 at pages,V; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners in and. for Indian River County, <br />Florida that effective as. of this date, .namely, June .4th., 1940, Justice of the Peace District <br />No. 30.situated in Indian River County, Florida and. described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at.the Southeast corner of..Township 31 South, Range 39 East, run Nest to <br />the Southwest corner -,of the said Township 31 South,. Range 39 East; thence South to the Southeast <br />corner of Section 1, Township 32 South, Range 38 East; thence West along the Section lines to <br />the Range line between Ranges 37 and 381 thence North to the Northwestcorner of Section 19, <br />Township 31 South, Range 38 East; thence East on the Section lines to the Atlantic Ocean; thence <br />Southerly along the Atlantic Odeaa to the point of beginning..The same being Election District <br />No. 3 (Wabasso.)_ <br />and the said above described territoly,00nstituting-said Justice of the Peace District No. 30 <br />be and the same is herewith attached to the territory constituting Justice of the Peace Distriol <br />_.No......1_in said county, and which Justice -of the Peace District -No. 1 is situated in Indian River <br />County, Florida, and described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 18, Township 31 South, Range 38 East, <br /> Southwest boundary line of the Fleming Grant; thence Northwest on the Fleming <br />boundary line to the line dividing Townships 30 and 31 South, Range 37 East, being the North 1 <br />of Indian River County; thence East on the County line to the -center of the -Sebastian River; <br />thence Northeasterly along the center line of the South.fork.of the Sebastian River; thence <br />Best to the Bast shore of the Indian River; thence in.a Southerly direction along the shore <br />line of the said River to the Township line dividing Townships 30 and 31; thence Easterly along' <br />the said Township line to the Atlantic Ocean; thence Southward along the Atlantic shore line to <br />the South line of Section_.14,.Township 31 South, Range 39 Bast; thence Nest along the Section <br />lines to the point of.beginning. The same being Election. District Numbers 1 and 2. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the territory of said above described Justice of the <br />Peace Districts, heretofore existing as Justice of the Peace Districts 1 and 3, be and the same <br />are herewith and hereby consolidated and known as Justice of the Peace Dis- <br />trict No. 1. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this resolution and order be recorded in the minutes of <br />this Board, and that a copy of the same be posted at the Courthouse of Indian River County, <br />Florida. <br />The Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Glover and upon being put to a vote <br />the same was unanimously adopted. <br />"I, Douglas Baker, Clerk of the Circuit Court in.and.for Indian River County, Florida, <br />do herewith certify that on the 17th day of June, 1940, I did post a true copy of the foregoing <br />resolution and order upon the bulletin,the East entrance of.the Indian River County <br />Courthouse 1A Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida. <br />