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3/15/2018 4:25:42 PM
Creation date
6/8/2015 2:33:30 PM
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TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OP COUNTY' COMEISSION RS. OP SAID COY: <br />Gentlemen: <br />Te, the undersigned, citizens of the County of INDIAN RIPER, State of FLORIDA* <br />respectfully represent that 'the .necessities of the public require a County Road to be <br />laid out as follows, to -wits <br />Ooaencing at a point fifteen feet south of the Horth West corner of the North <br />-east quarter of the North-east quarter, See. 25; Twp. 33 8; R. 39 E.; Thence Burt poral.. <br />lea to the Section line to 'a point in the Weat rightu►of..wa y line of the Dixie Highway in <br />Sete. 30; Tap. 33 S; R. 40 F <br />The above described line being the center line of the right of war. <br />Said Road right-of-way to be not Less than -arty- feet in width. <br />We therefore petition your honorable body to cause to be laid out and opened <br />a County Road as above described, and we, the owners of the land through which said Road <br />le sought to be 'laid out, in consideration of the sum of one dollar to us each and sever- <br />ally a ally in hand .paid by the said County . of Indian River, the receipt of which is hereby se:.. <br />knewledged, hereby agree to give the right -of -►way through our lands, as shown, by the <br />plat accompanying this petition, and and relinquish all claims for damage by reason thereof. <br />It was ordered that Albert 0. Helseth, Geo. A. Belseth and D. D. Leisher, be <br />appointed to view, mark out said read and report to this Board. <br />Motion made, seconded and carried that Chairman and Clerk enter into agreement <br />with G. W. Smith respecting easement over following lands, - <br />Beginning at Southeast corner of SW* of SBS`, Section la, Township 33, 'South,. <br />Page 39 East, Seth to point 25 feet East of East Right -of -wadi line of Florida East <br />Coast Railway to a point 330 feet North of South line SW* of Wei, Section 1 , Townsiai <br />35 South, Range 39 Eaast, thence West to Dixie Highway; said road being 50 feet in width <br />above line being center line. <br />The following RQAD CO'1,ITIZE CO'REPORT was received, read and filed, as fo claws t <br />ROAD ',':CI TT= REPORT. <br />7e, the undersigned Ocsarmtittee appointed by. Hon,oarable Body on the 2nd. day of <br />March, 1926, with instructions to view and mark out the best route for a public road, <br />described in the petition as follows, to.•wit s <br />Bee ing at a point where State Road NO. 4 crosses the Section Line between <br />Sections 26 and and 35; Top. 32 5; R. 39 I; Thence East on the above line to the Indian <br />River ij miles, more or less; The above described line being the center line,:-►-------- <br />beg leave to report to your honors as follows: That we, after first having subscribed <br />to the oath required by law before entering on our duties make this our general reports <br />That we proceeded to the said proposed location of the said public road upon the 4th. <br />dray of March, 1926, and viewed and and marked out the following as the best route for said <br />proposed road. &• Said road is to be -50-feet wide) <br />Beginning at the intersection of the Section Line between Sections 26 and 35; <br />Twp. 32 S; R. 39 E., and State Road Number 4; Thence East along said Section Line to e <br />the shore of the Indian River. The above described line being the center line: <br />Therefore, having performed the duties required by law under the appointment - <br />of your honors, we pray to be discharged. <br />E. O. Walker <br />J'. D. Edwards <br />D. L. Leisher.. <br />��s <br />
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