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1 <br />At the request of Mrs. S. B. Taylor,-reprasenting the Woman•s Club, the Board granted <br />a contribution in the sum of $50.00 from the GXIERAL REVMM FOND to the Vero Beach Library for <br />the purpose of assisting said Library in meeting their current and extra -ordinary expenses of <br />and for this fiscal year. <br />At the request of Secretary Thatcher, the Board granted the sum of $20.00 from the <br />GENERAL REVENUE FUND to the Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce as one-third of the cost for a Float <br />representing the County, City and all Civic organizations to be entered in the Armist109 day <br />Celebration Parade at Ft. Pierce on November 11th neat. <br />It was ordered Wm. H: Foch, W. P. A. Researdher of all Graves of Veterans in Indian <br />each month <br />River County receive 50 gallons of gas and 5 quarts of 611 for transportation purposes in <br />connection with his work. Said.gasoline. and oil to be furnished for a period of time not to <br />exceed four months beginning with the month of November. <br />each month <br />It was ordered the sum of $5.00 be paid /from the GENERAL REVEL FUND to Miss -Bertha <br />Helseth who is in charge of the Vero Beach School Cafeteria for the purpose of assisting in they <br />cost of School lunches for underprivileged children, uptil the further orders of the Board. <br />On motion made by W. C. Graves, Jr. seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried the <br />Board approved the application of Isaiah Richardson, Colored for admission to the State Tuber- <br />oulosis Sanatorium. County's portion of Hospitalization cost to be paid by applicant and/or <br />relatives. <br />Miss Grace Gaul, Supervisor of Sewing Room was authorized to purchase,,2000 each of <br />required Sewing Room labels. County to pay the cost of same. Attorney Mitchell was requested <br />to prepare Rental Lease for the Sewing room to be executed by the County and Mr. E. C. Richards <br />Notary Public Bond for Bernice the sum of $500 with.Masseahusetts Bonding <br />and Insurance Company of Boston, Massachusetts as Surety was approved. <br />Notary Public Bond for Charles C..Jewett in the sum -of $500 with Massachusetts Bond- <br />ing .and Insurance Company-- of ..Bostom, ..Massachusetts as Surety, was approved. <br />APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO CARRY FIREARM . <br />HERBERT C. WILLES. <br />STATE OF FLORIDA t <br />COUNTY OF Indian River ) <br />To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Indian River County, Fla.: <br />The undersigned respectfully represents unto your Honorable Body that he is twenty- <br />one years of age, and of good moral character, and respectfully petitions for permit to carry a <br />-in <br />firearm, to -wit: a 32 -Caliber automatic Peutche werke work Brurt 123762 with /the County of <br />Indian River, State of Florida. <br />Your petitioner presents herewith a bond in sum of One Hundred Dollars, conditioned <br />for proper and legitimate use of said weapon. <br />This petition is made in conformity to Section 3268 General Statutes of Florida. <br />Respectfully, <br />r, He bert 0. Willes <br />Bond for Carrying Fire Arms in the sum of $100 of Herbert C. Willes with E. S. Willes <br />and C. D. Hair as sureties was approved?. <br />LICENSE TO CARRY FIRFARM-HERBERT C. WILLES. <br />STATE OF FLORIDA,_ ) <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER <br />WHEREAS Herbert C. Willes, Box 1006, City has this day made application to the Board <br />of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, for a License to Carry Firearms; and <br />whereas said Herbert C. Willes has presented to this Board, a bond in the sum of One Hundred <br />