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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:25:55 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 10:48:28 AM
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Tax Collector.... 109000.00 <br />Clerk Circuit Court .... ,••••.. 2,000.00 <br />Sheriff ....................... 29000.00 <br />Deputy Sheriff Bond of J. H. Parker in the sum of $1,000 with the U. S. Fidelity <br />and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland, as surety was approved. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley appeared before the Board and made a report of her activities <br />for the month of November as follows, to -wit: <br />COUNTY NURSE'S MONTHLY REPORT <br />NOVR, 1940. <br />Total number of cases for the month 73 <br />Number of visits to cases 62 <br />Number of visits in behalf of cases 85 <br />Number of office interviews 62 <br />Number of oases cared for in hospital 3 <br />Number of oases to dentist 2 <br />Number of oases for X-ray 4 <br />Laboratory Specimens submitted (Hookworm) 11 <br />Hookworm Treatments 5 <br />Cases to T. B. Sanatorium 1 <br />Cases to F.C.C.C. Coral Gables, Fla. & Jackson <br />Memorial Hospitals 1 <br />Visits to Schools 9 <br />Some time was spent assisting with the Red Cross Roll <br />Call and War Relief Production. <br />It was ordered Mrs. J. D. Carter be removed from the Pauper's List as she is now <br />employed in the W.P.A. Sewing.Room. <br />It was ordered Mrs. Alice Padgett be removed from the Pauper's List, her husband <br />being employed with the Mosquito Control District. <br />It was ordered Mrs. Maude McLane be strickened from the Mother's Pension Fund. <br />Clifford Morrison,.Doris Denmark and L. P. Mercer, appeared before the Board repre- <br />senting the High School F.F.A. end requested the Board's cooperation in placing white crosses <br />along the highway as identification marks at places where people have been killed in automobile <br />accidents. The Board advised that they had no authority in this connection and that it would <br />be under the jurisdiction of the State Road Department. <br />3t was moved by W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Frank C. Vickers and unanimously <br />carried that the salary and expense of the Supervisor of Registration be fixed at $600 per <br />year and that his entire compensation to include all office expenses, newspaper publication <br />costs and any and all charges and expenses connected with the Supervisor of Registration and <br />his total expenses and compensation aggregated and limited to $600 per year shall be payable <br />in monthly installments of $50.00 each. <br />Motion was mads,, duly seconded and carried that the increased budget to W. P. A. <br />Sewing Room be approved until the further orders of the Board. <br />A.letter was received from.Mr. J. J. P. Hamilton, Winter Beach, Florida, requesting <br />damages of $100 for the loss of a mule alleged to have been injured and later died by breaking <br />through a defective decking at the east and of the secondspan of the Winter Beach bridge. The <br />matter was referred to Attorney Mitchell for.investigation and report his findings to the Board <br />A petition signed by Merrill Barber, Tom Hewitt and many others was presented to the <br />Board by Mrs. Raymond Finley, requesting that Mr. Joe B. Walker be discharged from the County <br />jail, said petition stating Mr. Walker to be in bad health and that his family was suffering <br />by reason of him being detained. The Board advised t#at they had no right to act upon a request <br />of this kind and ordered the petition filed by the Clerk. <br />
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