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1 <br />483 <br />TUESDAY, MARCH 4TH, 1941. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida., met at the <br />Court House in Vero Beach at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, March 4th, 1941, in regular meeting <br />with the following members of the Board present: C. S. Michael, Chairman, S. E. Glover, W. C. <br />Graves, Jr., Albert 0. Helseth and Frank C. Vickers. Also present were Wa. W. Friok,Sheriff, <br />Chas A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The minutes of February 4th were read and approved. <br />Notary Public Bonds in the sum of $500 each were approved for A. A. Sullivan and <br />Sittie Wharton with Glens Falls Indenmity Company of Glens Falls, New York as Surety. <br />It was ordered J. H. Robinson (Colored) Gifford be placed on -the Pauper's.list to <br />receive the sum of $5.00 per month until he is reinstated for Old -Age Assistance from the State. <br />It was ordered -John Council, Sebastian be removed from the Pauper's list as he is now <br />receiving State Aid. <br />Judge Otis M. Cobb was granted permission to purchase Probate Record A. <br />On motion made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Glover and carried, <br />the Board approved an eye operation for -George Lewis to -cost approximatedy$42.00. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County Nurse appeared before the Boarond made a report of <br />her Activities for the month of February as follows, to -wit: <br />County Nurse's Monthly Report, February, 1941. <br />Total Number of Cases for the Month 41 <br />Number of visits to cases 23 <br />Number of 9isits in behalf of cases 31 <br />Number of Office Interviews 66 <br />Number of Families given clothing . 6 <br />No. of Garments given 65 <br />No. days worked 13 <br />E. E. Carter, County Engineer reported in general as to the Road Commission Budget <br />meeting which was held in Orlando. <br />Eon. Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector appaared before the Board and filed his E.& I. list <br />for 1939 whic0as accepted and approved by the Board. <br />Application of C. M. Oppenheiner, et al, for license to sell intoxicating Liquors, <br />Wines and Beer was received and after carefully considering the same it was rejected on account <br />of insufficiency of application, because of failure to answer all pertinent question and becau <br />of verification under oath by applicants.. <br />Mrs. Garnet Redin of the Indian River Hospital appaered before the Board with regard <br />to Hospitalization charges and costs for County patients. Afterconsiderablediscussion it was <br />moved by Commissioner -Graves, Commissioner Glover and unanimously carried, that the <br />Indian River Hospital be designated to handle all County Pauper cases for the sum of $110.00 <br />per month for a period of twelve months, effective March 1, 1941 with the understanding that <br />each case admitted to -the Hospital must have the approval of some member of the Board or the <br />County Nurse, on recommendation of a licensed physician. - <br />Chairman Michael and Commissioner Helseth were selected as a Committee from the Board <br />to meet with the Doctors of this County and Mrs. Radin in order that a mutual understanding <br />might be had between all parties concerned. <br />It was moved by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Graves and unanimously <br />carried that E. E, Carter, Road Superintendent and County Engineer be authorized to purchase <br />a$ Sump Pump, for the basement of the Court House,best suited to our needs. <br />