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484 <br />adoption. <br />KIWANIS RESOLUTION <br />Commissioner Albert 0. Helseth introduced the following Resolution and moved its <br />WHEREAS: The Vero Beach Kiwanis Club has inaugurated a Public Health Clinic for the <br />purpose of relief and help to the underprivileged children of Indian River County, who are Nandi <br />capped because of the need for medical treatment, dental services or because of optometric dif- <br />ficulties. And <br />WHEREAS: This Clinic is prepared to render services within any of these professions, <br />and the Kiwanis Club has appointed a Superintendent in.the person of Mr. S. B. Nelson, manager <br />of the Vero Planing Mill, to administer the business affairs of the Clinic. And has appointed <br />Dr. J. C. Robertson, M.D., Dr. C. F. Damerow, D.D.S. and Dr. J. C. DuBose, Opt. D. as Clinicia <br />to render the services required to carry out the purpose of the Clinic. And <br />WHEREAS: The Clinic and the Kiwanis Club are soliciting the co-operation and support <br />of all other organizations interested in the most humanitarian service, with their support, <br />council and encouragement, that they might accomplish the most good to the greatest number of <br />these unfortunate, handicapped children. Now, therefore, be it <br />RESOLVER: That we, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, in and for Indian River County <br />do hereby indorse the purpose of this Clinic, and pledge our support, counsil and co-operation <br />in the plan of its administration. And be it further RESOLVED: <br />That we will furnish to the Superintendent any and all information that is at our <br />disposal, which will assist him in arriving at the proper decisions in disposing of applications <br />that are made to him for services through the Clinic. it further <br />RESOLVED: That we will co-operate with the Clinicians in the performance.of their <br />functions, by encouraging patients (the children) to co-operate with them in order that they <br />might derive the greatest good to themselves_ from the operation of the Clinic. <br />These Resolutions Approved and Adopted by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY, this day of March 4, 1941. <br />Signed C. S. Michael <br />Attest: (BOARD SEAL) Chairman. <br />Douglas Baker <br />Jerk. <br />Tax Collector Troy E. Moody filed his annual report of fees and commissions for the <br />period Januaty 1st, 1940 to December 31st, 1940, as follows: <br />RECEIPTS: <br />State .................................... 796.89 <br />County & Special Taxing,Diatricts........ 2185.94 <br />Drainage Distriot ........................ 148.21 <br />Tax Redemption ........................... 139.32 <br />Auto Tags ................................ 825:50 <br />TOTAL......... 40 .8' <br />TOTAL RECEIPTS•••...•.•.•.....$4095986 <br />EKPENSES: <br />Clerks: <br />Miss J. Henderson ....................•...$ 416.00 <br />Miss Billie Hammell ..................•.•. 182.00 <br />Mrs. M,- L. Strickland.................... 73.00 <br />Mrs. Gen Cooksey .......r .................. 75.00 <br />Miss Ward ................................ 160.00 <br />Car Expense: Checking <br />Occup. License; Personal <br />Property tax, P. 0. Box <br />express & Postage.... .................... 460.93 <br />Surety Bonds ............................. 140.00 <br />TOTAL....... 0 .9 <br />TOTALXXPENSZS.....••.......41506.93 <br />.TOTAL RECEIPTS ....................$4095.86 <br />TOTAL 1506.93 <br />NETINCOME ........................ 2588.93 <br />1. - <br />1 <br />