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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:30:43 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 10:54:10 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />5 <br />As stated in the above notice Hon. W. R. Duncan, Tax Assessor, met with the Board and <br />stated that due to the new tax laws passed by the recent Legislature it was impossible for him <br />1941 <br />r <br />to have the values fixed for the purpose of perfecting, reviewing and equalizing theJ assessmen <br />and requested that he be granted an extention of time in order that the values might be fixed <br />according'to'Law and subject to the approval of the State Comptroller. <br />It was moved by S. E. Glover, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and unanimously carried <br />that the above request be granted and that the time be extended to September 1, 1941 if -necess- <br />ary. <br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then <br />adjourned. <br />CHAIMLO <br />ATT : <br />//�J M-1140-11 <br />CLERK. <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />TUESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1941 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in V <br />Beach at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, August 5, 1941, in regular meeting With the following <br />members of the Board present: Albert 0. Helseth, Chairman Pro Tem; S. E. Glover; W. C. Graves,Jr <br />and Frank V. Vickers. Absent: C. S. Michael. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney <br />for the Board, Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff and Leila Gray, Deputy Clerk. <br />Permission was granted Wk. W. Frick, Sheriff, to purchase disinfectant for the jail <br />in the sum of approximately $25.00. <br />It was ordered that E. E. Carter, County Engineer, make an estimate of the cost of <br />constructing a bridge in the Fellsmere area,as requested by Mr. Heiser, and report to the Board <br />at their next regular meeting. Also to estimate cost of repairo to the Draw on the Winter <br />Beach Bridge and report to the Board at their next regular meeting. <br />Notary Public Bond for Bertha A. Haffield in the sum of $500.00 with the American Sure- <br />ty Company of New York as surety, was approved. <br />DEFENSE SAVINGS PROGRAM RESOLUTION <br />W. C. Graves Jr., introddeed_the following resolution and moved its adoption. <br />WHEREAS, the President of the United States has heretofore dealared.the nation to be <br />a state of unlimited emergency; and, <br />WHEREAS, in order to defend itself, the United States of America is now engaged in <br />arming itself for its own defense and for.the purpose of giving all ..aid possible to the embatt- <br />led democracies; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Government of the United States, in an effort to aid in the financing of <br />the burdens placed upon it -by reason of the present deplorable world conditions, has undertaken <br />to issue and offer for sale U'nited.States Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps; and, <br />WHEREAS, it is the duty of each and every citizen of the United States of America to <br />assist to the limit of his personal financial ability in the efforts of our Government to pre- <br />serve and maintain our democratic way of life and government; <br />NOR9THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By'the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County as follows: <br />1. That this Board does endorse, ratify, approve and applaud the action of the G <br />meet of the United States in its efforts to completely and fully arm the nation to defend itself <br />and to give all aid possible to the embattled democracies. <br />2. .That the citizens.of Indian River County, Florida, are urged to assist the efforts <br />
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