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16 <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA. <br />To Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian River: <br />i <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, <br />from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed Intangible Personal Property <br />Assessments Roll, the taxes set down in each roll opposite each name of person, firm or Cor- <br />poration therein described, and in case taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed <br />by law, you are to collect the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and ten- <br />ements to the person, firm or corporation so taxed; and all sums collected .for the State taxes <br />you a pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by law; and you are <br />further required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or <br />before the first Monday in July you will make a final report to and settlement with the Comp <br />- <br />troller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this the 6th. day of October, in the year A. D. 1942. <br />W. R. Duncan <br />Assessor of Taxes, fndlgn River CoUZEF. <br />The Board then proceeded to approve the commissions due the assessor of taxes, W. <br />R. Duncan, from the various and several special taxing districts within the County, for Com- <br />missions due for assessing the taxes and preparing the tax roll for the year 1942 as indicated <br />on statement submitted by Mr. Duncan, and the following statements having been audited, on <br />motion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seconded by S. E. Glover and carried, were approved by the <br />Board, ori -t ir-thw &ep bl-ea- 1- --app Pave - - <br />the <br />Bee•�-eg�ea���r-(�e�ant��si�ners�, <br />Name of District or Fund Maintenance Interest & Sinking <br />County Maintenance 379).,31 <br />General School _ .. 603.20 <br />j Quay Bridge District <br />50.36 <br />School District #1 24.98 14.55 <br />t � <br />School District #7 36.06 16.68 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />by Frank C. Vickers, and carried, were approved, and the warrants to each of said rolls w <br />were annexed thereto and is in words and figures following: <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA. <br />To Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian River: <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, <br />o and from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed roll, the taxes set down <br />in each r+ opposite each name, corporation or parcel of land therein described, and in base <br />taxes -so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, you are to collect the same by <br />levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements so assessed, or of the person or <br />i corporation so taxed; and all sums collected for the. State taxes you are to pay to the State <br />Treasurer at such time as may be required by law, and at the same time you are to pay to the <br />legally qualified Depository all sums collected for county taxes, district school taxes and <br />other special taxes; and you are further required to make all collections on or before the <br />first Monday in April; and on or before the first Monday in Tuly you will make a final report <br />tod settlement an ett ement with the County Comptroller and CCommissioners. <br />p ony <br />Given under my hand and seal this the ":'.8th. day of October, in the year A. D. 1942. <br />r <br />W. R. Duncan <br />Assessor of Taxes, Mien River County. <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA. <br />To Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian River: <br />i <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, <br />from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed Intangible Personal Property <br />Assessments Roll, the taxes set down in each roll opposite each name of person, firm or Cor- <br />poration therein described, and in case taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed <br />by law, you are to collect the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and ten- <br />ements to the person, firm or corporation so taxed; and all sums collected .for the State taxes <br />you a pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by law; and you are <br />further required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or <br />before the first Monday in July you will make a final report to and settlement with the Comp <br />- <br />troller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this the 6th. day of October, in the year A. D. 1942. <br />W. R. Duncan <br />Assessor of Taxes, fndlgn River CoUZEF. <br />The Board then proceeded to approve the commissions due the assessor of taxes, W. <br />R. Duncan, from the various and several special taxing districts within the County, for Com- <br />missions due for assessing the taxes and preparing the tax roll for the year 1942 as indicated <br />on statement submitted by Mr. Duncan, and the following statements having been audited, on <br />motion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seconded by S. E. Glover and carried, were approved by the <br />Board, ori -t ir-thw &ep bl-ea- 1- --app Pave - - <br />the <br />Bee•�-eg�ea���r-(�e�ant��si�ners�, <br />Name of District or Fund Maintenance Interest & Sinking <br />County Maintenance 379).,31 <br />General School _ .. 603.20 <br />j Quay Bridge District <br />50.36 <br />School District #1 24.98 14.55 <br />t � <br />School District #7 36.06 16.68 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />