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pose- authorized and prescribed by said Chapter 11130 of the Lawn of Florida. The boun- <br />daries of said Bridge District being as follows: Begin at the North-east corner of <br />Section 23 Tp 31 S R 39 E., run thence West to Northweat corner of Sec..19 Tp. 31 S.R. <br />38 E., thence run South to South-west corner of Sec. 31 Tp 32 S.R.38 T., thence East to <br />South-east corner of Sec. 36 Tp 32 S.R.38 E. thence North to South-east corner of Seei <br />36 Tp. 31 S.R.38 E., thence East to the waters edge of Atlantic Ocean, thence meander- <br />. <br />ing along said waters edge North-westerly to point of beginning. <br />ESTIMATES having been made by the Board of Commissioners of QUAY BRIDG DISTRICT, <br />for the amount required to meet interest payments and for the ultimate redemption of <br />bonds outstanding, and to create a sinking fund, and. in pursuance of the requirements of <br />law, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Two (2) mills upon the <br />for the year 1926, <br />dollar be levied, assessed, and is herby imposed/upon all the property lying and being <br />in the County of Indian River on the first day of January 1926, lying and being within <br />the boundaries of said Quay Bridge District for the purpose of paying inte re at and <br />creating a sinking fund for the retirement of the bonded debt. <br />ESTIMATES having been made by the Beard of Commissioners of VERO BRIDGE DI` CRICT, <br />for the amount required to meet interest payments and for the ultimate redemption of <br />bonds outstanding, and to create a sinking fund, and in pursuance of the requirements of <br />tax <br />law, it is determined and hereby declared that a,/rate of Pour (4) mills upon the dollar, <br />be levied, aaaessed, and is hereby imposed for the year 1926, upon all of the property <br />on January 1st 1926, la 2,i <br />lying and being within the boundaries of said VERO BRIDGE DISTRICT,' for the purpose of <br />paying interest andx creating a sinking fund for the retirement of tae bonded debt. <br />ESTIMATES having been made by the Board of Bond Trustees, ATLANTIC.GULF SPECIAL RO <br />&MD= DISTRICT, and the Trustees having certified, by appropriate resolution, the rat <br />of millage to be assessed as the amount required to meet interest payments and for the <br />ultimate redemptions of bonds outstanding, and to create a sinking fund, and in purpuane <br />of the requirements of law, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of <br />Seven) ('7) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and asseddd for the year <br />1926, on all of the property in the County of Indian River lying and being within the <br />boundaries of said ATLANTIC & GULF SPECIAL ROAD & BRIM DISTRICT, .for ih.e purpose of <br />paying interest and creating a sinking fund for the retirement of the bonded debt, which <br />boundaries are as follows: Beginning on the Township line between Tps.33 and 34 South, <br />and on the Shore of the Atlantic Ocean, run '; est en the tp. line .between Tps. 33 an& 34, <br />to the S.W.00rner of Tp. 33 S. R. 36 E. Thence North between Ranges .35 and 36, to the <br />South-east corner of Tp. 32 S. R. 35 E., thence West between Tps. 32 and 33 and on the <br />South boundary of Osceola and Indian River Counties, to the center line of the Kissimmee <br />River, same being the South-west corner of Osceola County, thence North-westerly with th <br />center line of. the Kissimmee River and the East shore of Leke Kissimmee (said lake .and <br />river being the Wrest boundary o Osceola County), to the Tp. line between Tps. 29 and 30 <br />thence East on the Tp. line between Tps. 29 and 30 to the North -cast corner of .Tp 30 S.R <br />34 ;fit, thence South between Ranges 34 and 35 to the Sonth«east .00rner of Tp. 30 8, R. <br />34 East, Thence E' est to the North-east corner of Tp 31 S.R.34 East, thence South to the <br />South-west corner of Tp. 31 S.R.35 East, thence East to the North-east corner of Tp.32 <br />S.R.35 E., thence South to the South-east corner of Tp. 32 S.R.35 East, thence..Eaat <br />along Tp. line between Tps. 32 end 33 South, to South-east corner of Tp. 32 Rage 38 E., <br />thence North on Range line between Ranges .38 and 39 to To'wnehip line' between Tps. 31. <br />and 32 South, thence Easterly on Tp. line between Tps. 31 and 32 to. the,shores of Atlant <br />Ocean, thence with the meanderings of the Atlantic Ocean to the place' of- beginning. <br />0 <br />r, , f <br />