,, the County Commissioners' room in the Court House and further that Douglas Baker, Clerk, be in
<br />structed to have prepared a sign indicating such ohange .a,nd have the said ,sign placed on the
<br />front door of the Community Building.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board then
<br />adjourned.
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<br />The Board of County
<br />T'RBDAY. X�R
<br />Commissioners of Indian River County met
<br />9. 1944
<br />at the Court House in Vero
<br />Beach, at 9;00 o'clock., A. M.,
<br />Thursday, November 9, 1844, in special
<br />meeting with the following
<br />members of the Board present:
<br />W. C. Graves, ar., Chairma.n, Albert 0,
<br />Kelso ,th, S. 3. Glover and
<br />G. E. Barkoskie and Frank C.
<br />Vickers.. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, and
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Chairman announced this meeting was called, among other things, for the purpose of
<br />,'discussing and considering an amount to be offered the United States Government for the pur-
<br />chase of the Coast Guard barracks located in the Webasso Beach area. Honorable C. S. Michael,
<br />Wabasso, Florida, former chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, was present and entered
<br />,into the disoussion.with regard to the said proposed bid.
<br />After considerable discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Barkoskie, seconded by C-om
<br />missioner Vickers and unanimously carried that the County make a bid of $1,500.00 for the Coast -
<br />Guard building at Wabasso. It was ordered that Attorney Charles A. Mitchell, prepare a setter
<br />submitting such hid to be signed by the Chairman, together with the Clerk of this Board. A
<br />copy of said letter being on file in the Clerk's office.
<br />A letter was received from the United States Naval Base regarding the use of Lake
<br />Wilmington calling the Boards attention to the fact that the said lake was now being used as a
<br />itarget and requested the Board to take action prohibiting the use of the lake by civilian per-
<br />cannel whose lives might be endangered. Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, was instructed to pro -
<br />pare a letter from this Board to tho naval authorities advising t*ature and extent of the
<br />r
<br />',Board's cooperation. A copy of said letter is on file in the Clerk's office.
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed and directed to draw warrants on the General Re- •
<br />ivenue Fund in the sum of $8.00 to each -inspector and Clerk in the several voting precincts of
<br />'Indian River County, plus $2.00 and miliage to the persons 4§11vering the ballot boxes and $5.00
<br />each to the Deputy ®herigfs of the places and-- 00 each to the owners of the
<br />f
<br />several polling places' as rental on the holding and conducting of the General election held
<br />Tuesday, November 7, 1944.
<br />Pursuant to.forms of invitation, bid,and acceptance sale of surplus property tlnvita-
<br />tion $994), it was ordered that a bid of $1,200.00 be submitted for the U. S. Coast hard Bar -
<br />rafts at Wabasso beach and that a warrant in the sum of $240.00, representing 20% of the bid,
<br />be issued on the General Revenue Fund and that the same be exchanged at the 2ndian River Citrus
<br />:Bank for a cashier's check for a like amount; it was futthet ordered that Attorney Charles A.
<br />Mitchell attend the opening of said bide to be held at 2:00 o'clock , P. M., Tuesday, November
<br />1944, in Miami, Florida.
<br />Where being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board than
<br />adjourned.
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