On motion made by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Barkoskie and
<br />unanimously. carried, it was ordered the sum of $50.00 .be appropriated from .the General Rev»
<br />entre Fund to be designated for use as special emergency fund by Mrs. Fames, County. Welfare
<br />worker in the case of Louise Brooks colored.
<br />County deeds numbered 30 to 39 inclusive, issued on lands acquired by the County
<br />for delinquent taxes were executed by members of the Board.
<br />On motion made by Commissioner Barkoskie, seconded by Commissioner Vickers, the
<br />Board authorized salary payments on all .county employees as of Deoember 30,. 1944 because of
<br />a change in the -Withholding Tax Program effective January 1, 1945.
<br />A letter of appreciation from County Agent, Marcel A.Boudet with reference to his
<br />increase in salary was received, read and ordered filed:
<br />Bond of Edward M. Bectom, Commissioner Indian River Mosquito Control District in the@
<br />sum of 0000.00 with the Fidelity and Casualty Company of Hew Iork as surety was approved
<br />and filed with the Clerk.
<br />• Bond of W. F.Cox, Commissioner of Indian River Mosquito Control District in the
<br />sum of $5000.00 with U. SJidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland, as surety
<br />was approved and filed with Douglas Baker,Clerk.
<br />Bond of J. M. Barnes, Commissioner of Indian River Mosquito Control District in
<br />the sum of 45000.00 with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland as
<br />surety was approved and filed with Couglas Baker Clerk.
<br />There being no further business upon motion made, seconded and carried the board
<br />L
<br />then Adjourned.
<br />a:UESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1945
<br />the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />in Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on Tuesday, January 2, 1945, in regular meeting with
<br />the following members of the Board present: W.C.Graves, Jr., Albert 0. Helseth, S. B.
<br />Glover, Frank C. Vickers and R.V. Graves. Also present were E.E. Carter, County Engineer,
<br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff, Douglas Baker, Clerk and retiring
<br />Commissioner from District #2, G.E.Barkoskie.
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk called the meeting to order.
<br />All officials present stated that they had received their commissions evidencing the
<br />fact that they were duly elected, qualified officials of Indian River County.
<br />There being no old business to be considered at this time, the Board then proceeded
<br />.n the order of new bus inss ..
<br />W.C. Graves, Jr. was selected to servo:as Chairman for the ensuing year.
<br />Chairman Graves then tomdkoverthe chair and Albert 0?.. Helsethwas selected to serve
<br />as Chairman pro tem for the ensuing year.
<br />On motion made by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Glover and tntaim-
<br />ously carried, all County employees were reemployed, salaries remaining the same, with the
<br />exception of E.E. Carter, County Engineer, who was reemployed with an increase in salary of
<br />225.00 per month, effective January 1, 1945.
<br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Helseth who moved `its
<br />adoption as follows, to -wit:
<br />