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BARKOSKIE RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, Honorable Gilbert E.Barkoskie, by reason of the pressure of personal affairs, <br />voluntarily terminated his term of office as a member of the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, on January 1, 1945; and, <br />WHEREAS, it was the desire of the constituents of Mr. Barkoskie and of the citizens <br />generally of Indian River County, .that he continue to serve as a member of said' Board, but <br />that all such citizens recogni za that it has been in his judgment to determine the necessity of <br />his ending his service as a County Commissioner; and, <br />WHEREAS, during his period of service as a County Commissioner, Mr. Barkoskie ka s de- <br />voted a great amount of time to the welfare of the County mad Yes exercised his great ability <br />in the best interest of the County; that NI.. Barkoskie has at. all times beem most cooperative <br />with all members of the Board of County Commissioners and the County officials of the County <br />and the public generally in the exercise of his duties; that during his term of office the <br />1 <br />affairs of the County have been carefully and efficiently operated and with benefit to the <br />citizens and property owners of the county and with saving to the Taxpayers thereof. Therefore, • <br />BE Ii' RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County„ Flor- <br />L <br />ida, herewith extend to Mr. Barkoskie the sincere regrets of the members of the Board ind ivid. <br />ually and the citizens of the County generally upon the termination of his service as a member <br />of theBoard of County Commissioners and extend to him sincere best wishes for his continued <br />success and happiness. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this <br />s L <br />Board and that a certified copy hereof be delivered to i'r. Barkoskie end a certified copy be <br />delivered to the Vero Beach Press -Journal. <br />I, Douglas Baker, as Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida <br />and ex -officio Secretary of the Board of County Commissiomrs thereof, herewith certify the <br />foregoing to be a true and correct copy of Resolution unanimously adopted at a meeting of the <br />Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, duly call:>d and held on January <br />2, 1945. <br />WITNESS niy band and 'official seal at Vero Beach, Florida, this 2nd day of January, <br />1. <br />1945. <br />Douulas Baker <br />Clerk <br />+he motion for the adoption of said resolution was seconded by Commissioner Glover and unanim- <br />ously adopted. <br />Alice Hellaso, County Nurse, appeared before the Board and filed of her activities <br />for the month of December, 1944 as follows, to -wit: <br />MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY NURSE FOR MONIS OF DECEMBER, 1944. <br />No, of Welfare Cases carried this month 11 <br />No. of Persons receiving Grocery orders this month - - 11 <br />No. of Visits to Welfare Cases 21 <br />No. of Visits in Behalf of Welfare Cases 16 <br />No. of County Cases admitted into the hospital - 3 <br />No. of Children attending Crippled Childrens Clinic 0 <br />No. of Visits to Crippled Children 7 <br />No. of Visits to Tuberculosis Patients 16 <br />No. of Patients having Chest x-rays 7 <br />No. of Children treated for ear defects - 0 <br />No. of Chilrens tonsils removed <br />• <br />• <br />