No. of Conferences with State Board of Health 4
<br />No. of Conferences with Welfare Workers 2
<br />No. of Conferences with Crippled Childress Field Nurse 1
<br />No. of Services to Veterans 3
<br />No. of Meetings attended 2`
<br />Mrs. Hrelleso, reported on the Freedel case et Fellsmere wherein assistance was needed.
<br />A'letter was reoeived from Mr. W. A. Stewart, Assistant Treasurer of the Fellsmere
<br />Sugar Producers Assooiation calling the Board to the attention of a tuberculosis case in the
<br />lcolored quarters of Fellamere, the patient being Herbert Edmond. Considerable discussion was
<br />held and the Board agreed that something should be done and would provide for partial finanoial
<br />,assistance in the case. Mrs. Hellenist), County Nurse, was requested by the Board to try and
<br />make satisfactory arrangements.
<br />The Board authorized Douglas Baker, Clerk, to deliver the county warrants issued to
<br />child welfare work to Mrs. Audrey M. Pittman who told Mr. Baker that she would be the essis*
<br />taut child welfare worker in Indian River County and further that the warrants continue to be
<br />issued in the sum of $50.00 per month and that they be delivered or transmitted to Mrs. Pittman.,
<br />County deeds numbers 68 to 80, both inclusive, oovering lends acquired by the County
<br />under Chapter 194, Acts of 1941, Florida Statutes, were signed by the several members of the
<br />Board.
<br />On motion made by Commissioner Glover, seconded by Commissioner R. W. Graves and ear-
<br />Tried, the Board agreed to underwrite the sum of $250.00 as a reward offered toperson or persons
<br />furnishing information leading to the arrest and conviction of tIe person or persons who killed
<br />L. C. Stokes of Fellsmere, Florida.
<br />To the Bon. Board of County Commissioners of Indian River Co.,
<br />Vero Beach, Florida.
<br />Gentlemen: I, Vero Beach Service & Supply. Company, a corporation, by Roll B. Thompson, it's du-
<br />ly authorized Agent, of the County of Dauphin State of Pennsylvania, being the owner of Tax
<br />Sale Certificate No. 86 dated the 5th day of August 1929, in the sum of $151.65 covering the
<br />following described property, to -wit:
<br />Lot 11, Block 30, City of Vero Beach, Florida
<br />hereby make application to your Honorable Body to issue a duplicate Tax Sale Certificate in lieu,
<br />of the original described herein for the following reasons:
<br />(1) That said Tax Sale Certificate was purchased by me at the regular sale of 1929 for
<br />wbtcb I paid the scam of $131.65.
<br />(2) That said Tax Sale Certificate, or any interest therein, has not been hypothecated,
<br />sold, assigned, transferred or delivered by me and I have received no consideration therefor.
<br />(3) That said Tax Sale Certificate has been lost or destroyed and that 1 have made di-
<br />ligent search and am unable to locate said certificate.
<br />(4) That if duplicate Certitioate is issued in lieu thereof and the original should et
<br />any time be located, the same will be .surrendered to the Clerk of the Cirouit Court of Indian
<br />l>fliver County for oascelletion.
<br />(5) That 1, Vero Beach Service & Supply Company as a further consideration acknowledge
<br />,Myself held and firmly bound unto Douglas Baker, Clerk of ti Circuit Court of Indian River
<br />County, and his successors in office, in the sum of $303.30, being double the amount of the fame,
<br />value of said Tax Certificate, for payment whereof well and truly to -be made, 1 bind myself,
<br />y ,
<br />