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Creation date
6/9/2015 1:18:40 PM
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Ie <br />ZRT4XMYY_mss1945 <br />A called meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held at 8o'clock P. M. May <br />25, 1945f at Vero Beach, Florida for the purpose of considering problems connected with access <br />leading to Blue Cypress Lake. <br />Present were Commissioner W..C. Graves Jr., R. W. Graves, Albert O. Helseth, Frank <br />C. Vickers, Douglas Baker, Clerk, County Engineer E. A. Carter and County Attorney Charles A. <br />Mitchell. Commissioner Glover was absent. Also present were B. L. Holman and Thad H. Carltoni <br />Discussion was had with regard to injunction suit brought by Mr. Holman against the <br />Board with regard to a road easement held by the Board] and representing Right -of -May leading <br />to Blue Cypress Lake. The County Officials expressed themselves as intending to vigorously <br />contest this suit and to insist upon adequate access for the public to Blue Cypress Lake. in <br />settlement of the problem, Mr. Holman offered to convey property owned by him to the Board and° <br />described as the North 500 feet of Lot L and being contiguous to the western shore of the lake <br />and together with ailed Right -of -Way leading to such property and ;o:. road Right -of -Way would <br />be a width of 100 feet along the western boundary line of such.Lot L and which offer would be <br />conditioned upon the Board releasing the present easement which was involved in the suit which <br />had been instigated recently by Mr. Holman. The Commissioners arranged that a Committee <br />consisting of Commissioner Graves and Vickers and Engineer Carter would accompany Mr. Holman <br />to view the site of the property grant and that after viewing the same and considering the <br />benefit and detrement represented by the proposal the Committee would report to the Board of <br />County Commissioners for further action. Arrangementwere then made between the Committee and <br />Mr. Holman,as• td:a specific time for making inspection trip. <br />There being no further business the Board then adjourned. <br />• <br />axarM& <br />TUESDJ7 JUNE I. 1945 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, Mme 5, 1945, in regular meeting with the following <br />members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Frank C. Vickers, Albert 0. Helsel <br />and R. t,. Graves. Absent S. E. Glover. Also present were L. B. OSteem, Sheriff, E. E. Carte <br />County Engineer; Charles L. MitcheD. of the Firm of Mitchell, Smith & Mitchell, Attorney; and <br />Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Minutes of the previous meetings were read find approved. <br />The Committee consisting of Commissioner Graves and Vickers and Engineer Carter <br />reported they had viewed the site of the property offered by B. L. Holman and it was their <br />opinion that the: proposition offered by Mr. Holman world incur expenses ±n'--. excess of the <br />County's resources and recommended that the proposition be declined. The Committee's recom- <br />mendation <br />A. Martel <br />the Board <br />Negroes. <br />beginning <br />was averted and the proposition of Mr. B. Z. Holman vaaS Submitted was declined. <br />Honorable A. W. Young, Glen Snodgrass, Charles A. Muster, Frank ITewett and James <br />together with other citizens and taxpayers Of Indian River County appeared before <br />and presented their views concerning the proposed Public Park and Bathing Beach for <br />Also present was Mr. Frank R. Stockton who outlined the proposal in detail from the <br />up to the present time. After considerable discussion pro and con, the Board decid <br />it <br />to accept the recommendation of the Chamber of Commerce which reads as follows: "Tie director <br />recommend that a Committee be establishedby the County Commissioners, in which would be re- <br />
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