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• <br />Atlantic Ocean, thence North along Ocean beach to starting point. <br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of SPECIAL.. TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. ., and <br />the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was determined that a <br />tax rate of 2.5 mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year <br />1945, on all of the property taxable for such purposes as provided by law in the County of <br />Indian River lying and being within the boundaries of the said, District No. 7, which boundaries <br />are as follows, to -wits Beginning at the Northeast corner of Sec. 23, Tp. 31 S., 1ange 39 L., <br />then run west along Section line to N. W. Corner of Sec. 19, Twp. 31 S., Range 38 E., thence <br />South along Range line to S. W. Corner of Sec. 31, Tp. 31 S., R. 38 E., thence East along Section <br />line to Atlantic Ocean Beach to Starting point. <br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of SPECIAL TAX gCHOOL_D]STRICT NO. 8 & 9, <br />and the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was determined t t <br />a tax rate of 245 mills upas the dollar be. levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the yea_ <br />1945, on all of the property taxable for such pupposes as provided by law in the County of <br />• Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of the said District No. 8 & 9, which bound4 <br />!aries are as follows, to -wits Beginning at the Northeast corner of Sec. 1, Tp.'32 S., Range <br />39 E., then run west along Township line to N. W. Corner See 6, Tp. 32 S., Range 38 E., thence <br />South along line to S. W. Corner Sec. 30, Tp. 32 S., Range 38 Ea, thence East along Section lin <br />to Atlantic Ocean, thence North along Ocean Beach to starting point. <br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of man TAX SOHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11, and <br />the Trustees having certified -the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was determined that a <br />tax rate of 2.5.mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year <br />1945 on all of the property taxable for such purposes as provided by law in the County of Indian <br />River lying and being within the boundaries of the said District No. 11, which boundaries are <br />las follows, to -wits Beginning at the Northeast corner of See. 32, Tp. 32 S., Range 40 E., then <br />run west along Sec. line to NW corner Sec. 31, Tp. 32 S., mange 38 E., thence South on Range <br />line to S. W. corner Sec. 31, Tp. 33 S., Range 39 E., thence west along section line to N. W. <br />corner Sec. 6, Tp. 33 S., Range 36 E., thence South along Range line to S. W. Corner Sec. 18, <br />'Twp. 33 S., Range 38 E., thence East to Atlantic Ocean, thence North along Ocean beach to starts <br />ing point. <br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 14, and <br />the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was determined that a <br />V <br />'tax rate of 2.5'milis.upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year <br />J945, on all of the property taxable for. such purposes as provided by law in the County of Indian <br />River, lying and being within the boundaries of the said District No. 14, which boundaries are <br />as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Tp. 31. S., Range 37 E., then run west <br />along County line to N. W. Corner Tp. 31 S., Range 35 E.,;thence South along County line to S. W. <br />corner, Tp. 32 S., Range 35 E., thence East along Township line to S. E. corner, Tp. 32 8., Range <br />37 E., thence North along Range line to starting point. <br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT_N.O. 16, and <br />the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed, it was determined that <br />,tax rate of 2.,5 mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year <br />1945,on all of the property taxable for such purposes as provided by law in the County of India <br />j River lying and being within the boundaries of the said District No. 16, which boundaries are ai <br />follows, to -wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Sec. 21, Tp. 33 S., Range 40 E., then run <br />west along Section line to N. W. Corner Sec. 19, Tp. 33 S., Range 36 E., thence South along <br />Range Line to S. W. Corner of See 31, Tp 33 S., Range 36 East, thence East along Section line t <br />Atlantic Ocean,,thence North along Ocean Beach to starting point. <br />To meet the interest payment and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption a' <br />