d! �.Dim- --+ f+ obtain a home for the care of aged people in Indian River
<br />;County. Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, advised Mrs. Newman that .certain plans were in the
<br />f;makiag to obtain a building for such a purpose from the 'United Mates Government and located
<br />on the local Navy Base, and that he was very #q that these plans would materialize favor
<br />!!ably in the near future.
<br />V' Charles S. Kuster and Lou4.Burger appeared before the Board and requested the County
<br />to marl a continuation of a present and existing street in the area of Spruce Park Bub-dlvision.ti
<br />Thur further stated it would require approximately 1500 feet of marl. The Board authorized
<br />E. E. Carter, County Engineer, to do this work as soon as possible or in the very near future.
<br />County Agent, M. A. Bbudet, submitted a report of his activities for the month of
<br />uApril and said report was ordered filed with the Clerk and made a part of these minutes.
<br />Alice M. Selleso, County Nurse,.appeared before the Board and submitted a report of
<br />her activities for the monthc.of April and said report was ordered filed with the Clerk and made
<br />,,a part of these minutes.
<br />I, It was ordered th sum of $10.00 be paid each month from the General Revenue Fund to
<br />I
<br />1St. Lucie County Welfare Association, 298 South 5th Street, Ft. Pierce, Florida, to supplement
<br />the cost of room, board, and care of Jonah Chambers, age 82, former resident of Indian River
<br />County, effective May 19 1946.
<br />Report No. 2826,.whioh was made on the Audit of the accounts of the officials of Indian'
<br />!,River County by Phillip S. Shaw was presented to the Hoard, of County Commissioners in connect -
<br />'ion with the provisions of section 125.09, Florida Statutes 1941, and it was ordered filed as
<br />is part of the Public Records of Indian River County.
<br />The following was appointed -Deputy Sheriff -by L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff, and Douglas,
<br />Baker, Clerk, announced that said appointment had been filed with him.
<br />Name Precinct No. Address
<br />i
<br />Woodrow W. Johnson 5 Vero Beabh, Florida
<br />Deputy sheriff's Bond for Woodrow W. Johnson in the sum of $1,0-0.00 with standard
<br />Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Michigan, as surety was approved.
<br />i County Deeds No. 202-212 inclusive on lands acquired under Chapter 194, Florida
<br />l!Statutes 1941, were executed by the Board.
<br />Application of Imogene Purvis, Fellsmere, Florida, for admission to the Tuberculosis
<br />;;Sanitarium of Orlando was approved.
<br />Sheriff L. B. O'Steen called the Board's attention to the dire needs of colored
<br />!'toilets to be eonstriuoted in or near the Court House. The Sheriff further stated that such
<br />;toilets were needed practically all of the time, particularly so during the several terms of
<br />!County and Circuit GoUrt. E. E. Carter, County Engineer, was instructed to confer with the
<br />firm of Duncan & Stewart as to the possible plans for the colored toilets.
<br />It was ordered the election officials for the first primary be paid the sum of $8.00
<br />per day,plus $2.00 to the person returning the ballot box,plus 5¢ per wile; further, that the
<br />Deputy Sheriffs' conducting said election to receive the sum of $3.00 per day; further, that tpe
<br />owners of the buildings.where the elections were conducted to receive the sum of $3.00 per day
<br />for rental.
<br />Commissioner Glover introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption as
<br />follows to -wit:
<br />�I
<br />RACE TRACT R E ---S OZ L U._ T I 0 N
<br />t' 'WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County has received in the
<br />;.',current budget year the sum of $95,000.00 asomonies transmitted to it under the provisions of
<br />Chapter 550, Florida Statutes, and being monies derived from so-called "race track funds"; and,
<br />rl I
<br />I"
<br />i'
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />0
<br />I.
<br />1
<br />0
<br />