;proposition. Attorney Charles A. Mitchell made a verbal report concerning the matter and
<br />,'stated to the committee that he would direct a letter to Mr. Be L. Holman that it .necessary
<br />that steps be taken immediately to provide to the general public suitable access to Blue
<br />;Cypress Lake in order that People generally may enjoy sport -fishing inthelake. The following
<br />lis a copy of the letter w Mend to Mr. Be L. Holman by Attorney Mitchell for the Board of
<br />County Commissioners and is self-explanatory.
<br />.'Charles A. Mitchell
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr.
<br />Marshall 0. Mitchell
<br />;Charles P. Diamond
<br />'Mr. B. L. Holman
<br />';'Vero Beach, Florida
<br />Dear Buds
<br />September 3, 1946
<br />107-15 Indian River Citrus
<br />Bank Building
<br />Vero Beach, Florida
<br />It is necessary that steps be taken immediately to provide to the general public "
<br />!suitable Jaccess to Blue Cypress Lake in order that people generally may enjoy sport-fishing
<br />;at the Lake.
<br />Recentlywhen you were in our office on a discussion of airport matters involving the
<br />!City, I mentioned to you that it was going to -be necessary tolring the Blue Cypress matter to
<br />is conclusion. We then agreed that it would be proper that a committee representing the various
<br />;'interests in the matter go to.Blue Cypress Lake look over the ground and determine if the
<br />smatter could be brought to a prompt conclusion by agreement and in order to avoid the unpleasant
<br />j-ness of litigation. I think this is a good suggestion; and while it may not do any good, there'
<br />!is always the possibility that it will, and, definitely, I cannot see how it would do any harm.
<br />!I would -like to go out to Blue Cypress Lake with you at'a day you may select, either this week
<br />or next week. I think it should be within that period of time. A member of the Board of
<br />County Commissioners and Mr. Carter, the County Engineer, will go with us, and I would also
<br />,like to have two or three representatives of the Rod and Gun Club along so that we may not
<br />overlook any phases of the matter. j
<br />I ask that you advise me of a day that would be suitable for this trip and I would
<br />d,,like to halve=aseveral days' notice so that I can get word to the others. This trip is not any
<br />4, legal matter, and I have had no hesitancy in writing you this letter. However, I think Thad
<br />should be fully advised; and, therefore, I am sending him a copy of this letter. I think it
<br />would be fine if he could go along with us on the inspection trip. %.
<br />Will you please let me know of a date that would be 'suitable to you for the trip?
<br />r'
<br />b',CAMitchell/dmt
<br />CC:THCarlton
<br />Very truly yours,
<br />County Deeds numbering 238 to 241, both inclusive, were signed by the members of the
<br />,Board under provisions of Chapterg22079, Laws of Florida.
<br />Application of Delmar E: Richardson and Calvin Heasley (The Parkway Hotel) were
<br />licensed to sell intoxicating liquors, wines, and beer (Series'7* C.O.P.) was inspected and
<br />after careful consideration of s'ame'�on motion made, seconded and carred the same was approved.
<br />Application of Ward B. Can.over (The Beachland Hotel) for license to sell intoxicating
<br />liquors, wines and beer (Series 7+ C.O.P.) was inspedted,and after careful consideration of
<br />,same on motion made, seconded and carried the same was approved.
<br />�i
<br />Alice M. Helleso, County Nurse, appeared before the Board and filed a report of her
<br />activities of the month of August, and the said report was ordered filed with Douglas Baker,
<br />Klerk, and made a part of these minutes.
<br />M. A. Boudet, County Agent' filed a report of his activities for the month of August,
<br />and the same was ordered filed with Douglas Baker, Clerk, and made a part of these minutes.
<br />It was ordered Zelma Conway, Box 50 Sebastian, Florida, receive a check on General
<br />Revenue Fund in the sum of $12,00 per month, and in addition thereto a grocery order in the sump'
<br />of $28.00 per month until the further orders of the,Board..
<br />Commissioner
<br />ANOTHER:.
<br />Commissioner S. E. glover introduced the following resolution and moved itis adoption,!;
<br />to -Wit;
<br />WHEREAS, there°is a surplua under the items of numbers 211; 212; 216; 1-2199 241;
<br />5-241; 2611 262; 263; 264; 1-269; 341; 1-341; 361; 562; 2-5639�Veterans Service Officers and
<br />699 in the General Revenue Fund of Indian River County and which surplus exists after the pay -
<br />0
<br />1
<br />•
<br />0
<br />I.
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<br />U
<br />1
<br />1
<br />11
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