<br />TUES2AY3 OCTOBER la 1946.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in 9
<br />it Vero Beach, at 10x00 o'clock, A. M. Tuesday' October 1, 19469 in regular meeting with
<br />following members presents S. E. Glover, Chairman pro tem; R. W. Graves, Frank C. Vickers,
<br />I' and Albert 0. Helseth. Absent: W. C. Graves, Jr. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell,
<br />attorney; E E. Carter, County
<br />Engineer, L. B 0Steena Sheriff;
<br />andDou las Baker, Clerk.
<br />k.
<br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
<br />On motion made by Commission Frank C. Vickers,.seconded by Commissioner R. W. Graves,;
<br />and unamiously carried the salary of the County Nurse, -Alice M. Helleso, was increased $25.00
<br />per month effective October 1, 1946,
<br />i.
<br />J. B. Tippin and Jimmy Reams representing the Rod and Gun Club appeared before the it
<br />1
<br />Board with regard to the proposal made by B. L. Holman for the Blue Cypress Lake road, and i.
<br />I
<br />the said proposal is out -lined in the following'letters which.are self-explanatory. j
<br />The Committee ask comparative estimate of costs be submitted at the next meeting.
<br />;;On the attached map I have indicated the new Proposed Route in Red and the Existing Route in
<br />1r
<br />September 16, 1946 �I
<br />Charles A. Mitchell 107-15 Indian River Citrus Bank
<br />,*Sherman N. Smith, Jr. Building
<br />*Marshall 0. Mitchell Vero Beach, Florida ,.
<br />r
<br />Charles P Diamond a
<br />*On active duty with the
<br />Armed Forces
<br />,I
<br />Mr. E. E. Carter
<br />Vero Beach, Fla.
<br />Dear Edge:
<br />It is my understanding that the result of our trip to Blue Cypress Saturday is that
<br />you will make an estimate of the cost of construction of the road leading from the existing
<br />grading to the lake, and this will be presented tbothe Board of County Commissioners for con-
<br />sideration at the meeting of the Board on Tuesday, October 1st.
<br />I am sending a copy of this letter to the representatives of the interested groups. y
<br />It is my suggestion that Mr. Tippin and Mr. Reams, together with such other representatives of
<br />the Rod and Gun Club as they may wish to be present, attend the Board meeting of October 1st
<br />at about 11:00 A. M.
<br />It is my thought•that if we should reach a favorable determination of the present
<br />proposal we should then assure ourselves that it does not detrimentally affect Mr. Surrency,
<br />and if no such effect appears, we should then proceed to conclude the matter.
<br />Sincerely yours,
<br />CAMsara Mitchell ,
<br />j cc: Mr. Douglas Baker, City
<br />Mr. Robert W. Graves, Wabasso i
<br />Mr. Jimmy Reams, City p�
<br />Mr. J. B. Tippin, City
<br />----------------------------
<br />Vero Beach Florida
<br />Sept. 30, 1946. �I
<br />Board of County Commissioners II'
<br />Court House, til
<br />Vero Beachl Florida
<br />Gentlemen: al
<br />A committee appointed by your chairman consisting of Commissioner Robert Graves,
<br />Attorney Charles Mitchell, and County Road Superintendent Ed. Carter, met with Bud Holman and
<br />his attorney Thad Carlton on the Holman property at Blue Cypress Lake on the afternoon of
<br />September 14th, to view and discuss an alternate road route into Blue Cypress Lake across the i
<br />Holman property to replace the right-of-way over Rich the County now holds an easement. Also
<br />,present was a committee delegation from the Rod and Gun Club consisting of•Mr. Tippin, Mr.
<br />Reams, Mr. Dorman and others.
<br />Mr. Holman's proposition, as outlined by Mr. Carlton, was to deed Indian River County,
<br />',a strip of land sixty feet wide, northward along his West property line from a point where the
<br />new constructed grade intersects the line between he and Mr. Surrancy. He agreed that part
<br />or all of the borrow pit or ditch from which the road fill material could•be obtained from his j
<br />property immediately East of the road fill located on the sixty foot right-of-way and that in
<br />•
<br />the future he would have use of the ditch for drainage and pumping operation. This road waald
<br />lead North to the South line of the North 800 feet of Lot "L" as shown on the Fellsmere Farms
<br />,Company Plat and then East to Blue Cypress Lake. In addition to the above road sight -of -way
<br />he agrees to deed to Indian River County, the North 800 feet of Lot "L" for Park pubWes.
<br />Mr. Holman has planned to construct a dike along the above described road location -and estimateI
<br />that this dike will cost $1000.00. He further agrees tocbnate this1000.0p to Indian River
<br />County to apply as part of the cost of constructing the road which will also act as his West
<br />Dike.
<br />The Committee ask comparative estimate of costs be submitted at the next meeting.
<br />;;On the attached map I have indicated the new Proposed Route in Red and the Existing Route in
<br />1r
<br />