r 312
<br />BROWN, C. T.
<br />BITTNER, Stephen
<br />y COLLINS, H. M.
<br />V'
<br />j COWART, John H.
<br />FRETWELL, Jesse H.
<br />KING, Edward
<br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were examined
<br />and found correct, were approved and warrants Issued in settlement of same. Such bills and
<br />accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit'Court' the Warrants so issued
<br />from the respective funds being listed in the.Supplemental Minute Book, as provided by the
<br />rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so recorded being made a
<br />l part of these minutes.
<br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement' showing receipts and disbursements i,
<br />of the various funds, which having been audited were found to be correct. •
<br />There being no further business or motion made, seconded' or carried' the Board
<br />then addourned,'..
<br />IRMAN
<br />ATTEST':
<br />CLIMK
<br />..,.-®--....------------------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------------------•�
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court Hbuse in
<br />Fero Beach, Florida' at 10:00 A. M. Tuesday' December 3, 1946, in regular meeting with the
<br />i;foll,owing members of the Board present: W. C. braves, Jr., Chairman; Frank C. *Vickers, R. We
<br />Graves, S. Be Glover, and Albert Oe Helseth. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney;
<br />E. Zo Carter, County Engineer; L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
<br />On motion made, duly seconded and carried, Charles A. Mitchell and Be E. Carter were
<br />instructed to prepare a notice inviting bids for a new pick-up truck.
<br />Application of Alonzo Williams (Colored), Fellsmere, Florida, for license to sell
<br />intoxicating liquors, wines and beer (Series 3D -PS) was inspected, and after carefully consid-
<br />,ering the same, on motion made, seconded and carried, the same was approved.
<br />County Deeds Nos. 250 and 251 were signed by the members of this Board under Chapter
<br />22079 of 1943.
<br />Surety Bond for W. C. braves, Jr., member of the Board of County Commissioners from
<br />District No. 4, in the sum of $29000 with Mass. Bonding and Indemnity Company as surety was
<br />approved.
<br />Surety Bond for Re W. braves, member of the Board of County Commissioners from
<br />District No. 2, in the sum of $2,000 with the U. S. Fiddlity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore,
<br />Md. s as sur6ty was approved.
<br />The following was appointed Deputy Sheriff by L. Be O'Steen, and Douglas Baker, Clerk,
<br />announced that said appointment had been filed with him. �
<br />Name Precinct No, Address)
<br />Me P. Tuten 8 Fellsmere, Florida
<br />Deputy Sheriff's Bond for M. P. Tuten in the sum of $1,000 with We A. Siewert and
<br />Ernest H. Everrett as sureties was approved.
<br />i�
<br />Alice Helleso, County nurse, appeared before the Board and made a report as to her
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