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1 <br />s <br />activities as to the month of November. Said report was filed with the Clerk and made a part <br />of these minutes. <br />an annual f� <br />M. A. Boudet, County Agent, filed / report of his activities covering the year 1946;.. <br />°hedalao filed a monthly report as to his activities for the month of Novembers and . the same <br />mere filed with Douglas Baker, Clerks and made a part of these.minutes, j <br />The Welfare case of Mrs. H. H. Hearnda;LgFellsmere' Florida,''was discussed, and the ;gg <br />Board allowed payment not,to exceed $300 for hospitalization and/or,,professional services. <br />Said sum to be repaid to the County by Mr. Hearnden. <br />�I <br />!� Douglas Baker,'Clerk was instructed to redeem Five 19000 Series F Government bonds <br />iand deposit the proceeds of same to the Quay Bridge District Fund. �('( <br />d �l <br />c Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, payment in the sum of $400 was 0 <br />�w <br />�to be made to the Indian River Fire Protective Association for maintenance of equipment together <br />Jawith salary from the Quay Bridge District Fund. <br />�y <br />i^ <br />,APPLICATION„ LICENSE 10 CARRY FIREARM I <br />II <br />�N STATE OF FLORIDA ) it <br />!i COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER. ) <br />�I <br />To the Honorable Board ' of t4odnty Commissioners <br />Irl INDIAN RIVER County, Fla,: <br />The undersigned respectfully represents unto your -Honorable Body'--that.he is twenty- <br />lJone years of abe, and of -good moral- character, and respectfully petitions for permit to carry it <br />Ila firearm, to -wits a Llama 3& Automatic Pistol, #23223 within the County of Indian River, <br />;!State of Florida. <br />�f Your petitioner presents herewith a bond in spam _,af. One Hundred Dol; ars.t-= conditioned <br />° <br />[for proper and legitimate use cf.said weapon. _ ;{ <br />This petition, -is ;made,,;in ,:conformity to Section 3268 General. Statutes of Florida. <br />ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; <br />That wet , SID t ° S..'AUERBACH ass principilit.-.,in the sum of ONE HU Df D bOUAR~SI -and <br />United States Fidelity. ,,,°and Guatanty Companyt as surety, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars <br />are held and firmly bound unto the Governor of'the State of Floridan for the paykent of which <br />well and truly to be made,y, Wd, bind T burselves:0 ours -heirs' executors, administrators and assigns, <br />jointly and severallyi ';firmly°:°bp `these., presents. <br />Signed and seilod' thie :3rd day of .December ,1946 <br />THE CONDITION _0F THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCHt Thatj whereas# the said::Sidney S. Auerbach, <br />the principal above mentionedy-on the 3rd day of December. At. D. <1:94-6t applied, to 1 the Board of <br />County Commissioners of Indian= River. " County, Floridag for.. a license to' carry °a firearm, t -wit I <br />a Llama 38 Automatic cstol,:,Serial No, 23223 and, whereas, said license has been g'anted by <br />said Boards <br />NOW, If the said Sidney; ,S. Auerbach the principal aforesaid, shall make,; only proper <br />and legitimate use of said firearms, then this bond to be null and void; -otherwise to be and <br />remain in full force and,:.effect. <br />