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0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />• <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />In the event of a vacancy in both the office of President and the office of Vice - <br />President, the Secretary shall, within five days, call a special meeting of the Board of Diip­ <br />rectors to be held not less than ten nor more than fifteen days after such call at the time and <br />place therein specified, and at such meeting the Secretary shall preside and a President and <br />Vice -President shall be elected by the Board of Directors. <br />As soon as the President is so elected the office of Secretary shall be vacant and <br />the newly elected President shall fill such vacancy by T pointment. <br />Section 2. District Directors. -In case of a vacancy in the District Directors, the <br />l <br />'Secretary shall advise the active members of the Association in the particular District, where- <br />fupon such active members shall make nominations to fill such vacancy by mail addressed to the <br />i <br />,'Secretary. The three persons with the highest number of nominating ballots shall be considered <br />;nominated. Thereupon the Secretary shall submit in writing to all the active members of the <br />;i Association the names of the three so nominated, and such active members shall vote by mail <br />for the one to fill such vacancy. The one receiving the highest number of votes shall be elect- <br />ed for the unexpired term. In the event of a tie, the two receiving the highest votes shall <br />determine the outcome by lot in the presence of the Secretary. All such nomination and election <br />ballots shall be in the hands of the Secretary within ten days after mailing of his notice of <br />vacancy and list of nominees, respectively. No nomination or election ballots shall be consid- <br />ered unless received within such times. <br />Section 3. Directors at Large. In case of a vacancy among the Directors at Large <br />the Secretary shall advise the active members of the Association by mail, and they shall make <br />nominations by mail addressed to the Secretary. The five persons receiving the largest <br />!number of nominating ballots shall be considered nominated. Thereupon the Secretary shall sub- <br />mit in writing to all the active members of the Association the names of the five nominees, <br />Iaand such active members shall vote by mail for the one to fill such vacancy. The one receiving <br />�jthe.largest number of votes shall be deemed elected for the unexpired term. In the event of <br />I <br />�a tie, the outcome shall be determined by lot, in the presence of the Secretary. All such <br />Inomination and election ballots shall be in the hands of the Secretary within ten days after <br />:his mailing to the active members of the notice of vacancy and the list of the nominees, res - <br />1i <br />11pectively. No nomination or election ballots received thereafter shall be considered. <br />Upon written demand of any ten members of the Board of Directors, a ppecial meeting <br />shall be called for the election of District Dirfetots to fill vacancies, or for the nomina- <br />tion and election of Directors at Large to fill vacancies; whereupon such special meeting shall <br />be held and no nomination or election ballots by mail shall be received or considered. <br />Section 4. Secretary and Treasurer. A vacancy in the office of Secretary or Tre <br />er shall be filled by appointment by the President. <br />ARTICLE VIII <br />Meetings. <br />Section 1.. Annual meetings. The annual meeting shall be held beginning the first <br />Thursday in March. <br />Section 2. Special call meetings of the Association; Special call meetings of the <br />Association may be held from time to time upon call of the President, or upon call of not less <br />i <br />than seven members of the Board of Directors. Any such call shall be filed with the Secretary, <br />;;who shall call a meeting not less than 10 days nor more than 15 days after the filing thereof. <br />IIThe purpose of such meeting shall be set out in such call. <br />Section 3. Directors' meetings. Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held as <br />L <br />jjsoon as possible after the close of each annual meeting of the Association and at such regular <br />;Itimes as the Board may determine ,from time to time. The President or any five members of the <br />Ii _ <br />