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ARTICLE IV <br />Officers. <br />Section 1. The business of the Association shall be conducted by the Presidentq the <br />oard of Directors and the following standing Committees: <br />Legislative Committee <br />Welfare Committee <br />Convention Committee <br />Auditing and Budget Committee <br />Constitution and By -Laws Committee <br />Entertainment Committee <br />'Resolutions Committee <br />Section 2. All Committees shall be appointed by the President. <br />h' ARTICLE V <br />i' <br />Affiliations. <br />Section 1. This Association' its officers and members collectively and individually' <br />i• <br />may participate in and affiliate with' individually or as a component part of this Association, <br />i' <br />'any other organization having similar purposes or ideals, and the officers and Board of Dir- <br />ectors of this Association shall have power to contribute to and aid such other organizations <br />in the furtherance of joint purposes. <br />Section 2. This Association shall actively affiliate with the National Association <br />of County Officials and the officers are authorized and directed to pay such dues, assume such <br />duties' and take such action as may be required to implement such affiliation. <br />Section 3, The Officers and Directors of this Association are authorized and empower-! <br />i1 <br />ed to provide representation and, :membership for this Association and to pay expense incident <br />i! <br />thereto by affiliating or cooperating with other State Associations or a central council of <br />i� <br />I'such State Associations, <br />ARTICLE VI <br />Nominations and Elections. ;! <br />�i Section 1 President - - - <br />» i and Vice -President. Nominations far President and Vice rras <br />w <br />ident shall be made from the floor. The nominee for each such office receiving a majority of <br />votes by secret ballot shall be declared eAected. In the event of a tie vote between the i <br />:nominees receiving the highest vote a second vote shall be taken upon the tying -nominees and <br />succeeding ballots shall be taken if necessary until one nominee.shall receive a majority. <br />Section 2. District Directors. The Congressional Districts of the State of Florida <br />shall be election Districts for this Association for the purpose of electing two District Dir - <br />ii <br />ectors to this Association! respectively. The active members from such Congressional Districts <br />!shall select two nominees for Director from such Districts at the annual meeting and so certify <br />same to the Board of Directors of this Association. <br />Section 3. Directors at Large. Directors at Large shall be nominated and elected <br />by the active membership at the annual meeting at the time provided for elections. Nominations <br />shall be made from the floor. Balloting shall be by secret ballot and the'nine nominees re- <br />iving the highest number of votes on such balloting shall be declared elected. <br />Section 1+. Sections and 3 of this Article shall take effect at the annual meeting of <br />Association to be held in March 1948. <br />ARTICLE VII <br />Vacancies. <br />Section 1. President and Vice -President. In the event of a vacancy in the office of <br />dent the Vice -President shall become the President of the Association. <br />S <br />E <br />i <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />40 <br />