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,to do all things necessary and proper to accomplish its purposes and objectives. <br />II ARTICLE 111 <br />!i <br />I'ERSHIP. The membership shall be classified into three groups' Active (who must be County <br />11Commissioners), Honorary and Sustaining. The privileges, duties and responsibilities of such <br />,!classes of membership shall be as defined by the By -Laws. Only active membersa in good standing; <br />shall be qualified to hold office or vote and voting by proxy is prohibited. <br />�� �T,ICLE IV <br />;OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The officers of this organization shall consist of a President' <br />;;Vice -President' Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as the By -Laws shall provide from <br />;;time to time. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person. The <br />llBoard of Directors shall consist of at least two members from each Congressional District as <br />"established by laws and a number of members elected from the State at large' the number of <br />!'Directors at Large to be fixed by the By -Laws. No County shall be permitted to have more than <br />e <br />two Directors holding office at the same time. <br />it <br />ARTICLE V <br />jDHEETINGS. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association to be held as provided in the <br />,By -Laws. Special call meetings may be held from time to time as may be provided in the By - <br />i <br />'Laws. <br />�I <br />ARTICLE VI <br />METHOD OF ELECTIONS. The Directors from Congressional Districts shall be nominated by members <br />of the Association from such respective Districts and shall be elected by the membership at <br />'the annual meeting. The Directors at Large shall be nominated and elected at the annual meeting <br />iliaccording to the method of nomination provided in the By -Laws. The President and Vice-President: <br />hshall be nominated and elected at the annual meeting by such method as may be provided in the <br />,By -Laws,) providing, howevert that the privilege of nominations for President, Vice -President <br />(sand Directors at Large-, from the floor of the Convention, shall always be open. Any active <br />member of the Association' in good standing, shall be eligible for election as President or <br />Vice -President. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be nominated at the annual meeting by the <br />Incoming President and confirmed by the membership. The election of officers and directors <br />Jshall be the last order of business of the second day of the annual meeting. Officials elected <br />;shall assume their positions on adjournment of the annual meeting. The By -Laws shall provide <br />L <br />i�the times and methods of nominations and elections to fill vacancies. <br />ARTICLE VII li <br />"IDUE<S. Membership dues of this Association shall be determined by the By -Laws, <br />ARTICLE VIII <br />i <br />AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Amendments to Constitution and By -Laws of this Asaoc- <br />iation shall be prepared by the Directors and approved by the membership at the annuel meeting: <br />I,Constitution and By -Laws may be altered or amended only at an annual meeting and only after <br />:written notice of such proposed amendment or alteration is promulgated by the Secretary to the <br />Is*embership at least thirty days prior to such annual meeting. Such proposed amendment or changei <br />,in the Constitution or By -Laws may be proposed/upon written request containing such proposed <br />amendment signed by ten active members of the Association' and filed with the Secretary at <br />;least forty-five days prior to the annual meeting. The By -Laws, however' may be amended at any <br />1gsuch annual meeting without such prior notice' by affirmative vote of three-fourths of the <br />Members present. <br />I' <br />1 <br />1 <br />40 <br />1 <br />• <br />1 <br />