<br />l Application to transfer beverage license (No. 2) from Frank Lalub to "Eat A Bite
<br />Sand*ibh Shop"' located -north of Sebastian, Florida, was presented to the Board, and after
<br />carefully considering the same, on motion made, seconded and carried, was approved.
<br />County Deed No. ?75 was executed by the Board under Chapter 220799 Laws of Florida.
<br />E. E. Carter, County Engineer, submitted description of land to be considered by the I.
<br />Board for dumping grounds in the Oslo -Vero; Winter Beach and Wabasso district.
<br />The Chairman appointed a committee of Douglas Baker, Clerk; E. E. Carter, County
<br />Engineer, and Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, to investigate the matter further, and if deemed
<br />J
<br />advisable to purchase,..for the County, said land if owned by''the State of Florida and to pre-
<br />I�pare necessary resolution dedicating said land if owned by the County.
<br />�i
<br />County Nurse, slice HeIrleso, appeared before the Board and made a report of her act-
<br />ivities for the month of August, and said report was ordered filed with Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />It was ordered Mr. W. H. Greene be permitted to deposit the sum -of $150.00 with the
<br />County to cover cost of eye operation$ hospitalization, and glasses.
<br />Charles A. Mi.tchell�.was instructed to write letters regarding clothing for needy
<br />;.families to the churches in each community of the County requesting their cooperation in the
<br />smatter of assisting such needy families with clothing obtained in the respective communities
<br />i;
<br />1 or through the County Welfare Department, and suggesting the names of needy families who may
<br />come before this Board for assistance.
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />Thad H. Carlton, of the County of St. Lucie and State of Florida, being the owner
<br />of the following tax sale certificates:
<br />No. 568 covering section 6 Township 33 South, Range 38 East.
<br />No.71 covering ng section 8 Township 33 south Range 38 East.
<br />No. 573 covering all of Section 18 except irw of.NE-i and NES of IWO
<br />Nd. 575 colering section 200 Township 33 South, Range 38 East, issued of the sale of
<br />2.926 for taxes for 1925 on said lands.
<br />No. 46 5 covering section 69 Township 33 South, Range 38 East. !!
<br />No. 460 covering section 8 of said Township and Range.
<br />No. 4723 covering section 18 except Nf� of NES and NE* of NO of
<br />said Township and Range
<br />No. 4727 covering section 20 of said township and Range.
<br />j' Hereby make application to your Honorable Body to issue duplicate tax stale certificat-�
<br />i
<br />!es in lieu of the originals described herein for the following reasons:
<br />(1) That said tax sale certificates were purchased by W. H. Crosby under the Murphy u!
<br />Act on the 3rd day of April, 1939, and duly assigned to me on the 8th day of April, 1939.
<br />(2) That said tax sale certificates or any interest therein, have not been hypot-
<br />hecated, sold, assigned, transferred or delivered by me and I have received no consideration
<br />therefor.
<br />M�
<br />�P (3) That said tax sale certificates have been lost or destroyed and that I have made;;
<br />;diligent search and an unable to locate said certificates.
<br />(4) That if duplicate certificates are issued in lieu of the originals gond originals';
<br />p should at any time be located, the same will be to the Clerk of the Circuit Court
<br />a e surrendered e
<br />of Indian River County, Florida for cancellation.
<br />(5) That I, Thad H. Carlton, as a further consideration acknowledge myself held and
<br />firmly bound unto Douglas Baker, Clerk of the Circuit court of Indian River County, Florida,
<br />�i
<br />, and his successors in office in the sum of $2170.20, being double the amount of the face value
<br />of said Tax certificates, for payment whereof well and truly to be made, Inibind myself, heirs,
<br />jexecutors and administrators firmly by these presents should said Certificates be posented by
<br />any person whomsoever, assigned or otherwise, for payment or application for tax deed thereon. l
<br />I solemnly swear, or affirm, that the statements contained herein in support of my
<br />application for issuance of duplicate Tax Sale Certificates, are true and correct. So help
<br />me -God.
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