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:I� <br />385 <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board <br />!� then ad j ourned. <br />Q 4 <br />CHAIRMAN <br />ATTEST'S <br />CLERK <br />' -- - -®--- - <br />-------------------------------------- - ------------ - ----------------------- - - - - - - -- - <br />i MONDAY„l SEPTEMBER 22194_7., <br />i <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />j Vero Beach, Florida, at 3300 o'clock P. M. Monday, September 22, 1947' in special meeting <br />with the following members of the Board presents W. C. Graves, Jr., Chd rman; Albert 0. <br />and <br />Helseth,/S. E. Glover. Absents Frank C. Vickers and J. L. Helpling, Also present were <br />!! Charles A. Mitchell, .Attorney; and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Chairman Graves announced this meeting was called for the purpose of receiving <br />beverage license applications and such other business as might be Dpoperly brought before <br />this Board, .:. <br />i <br />Application of Charles Cockayne for removal of beverage license No. 71 (re -issue <br />No. 10) to new location more particularly described as Lot 5, Block 3, R. D. Carter's S/D g <br />which is on the U. S. highway No. 19 Vero Beach, Florida, under Section 561.F33 F.S.A. to u <br />jj sell intoxicating liquors, wines and beer was inspected, and after carefi4ly considering t*w wA <br />same, on motion made, seconded and carried, the same was approved. <br />RESOLUTION <br />�'i3 <br />Commissioner S. E. Glover n z c d the following resolution and moved its gi <br />adoption, to -wits <br />WHEREAS, there is a surplus under the items of numbers 211; 1-219; 241; 262; �I <br />263; 264; 341; 361; 565; ; and 699 in the General Revenue Fund <br />Veterans Service Officer <br />of Indian River County and which surplus exists after the payment of all necessary expend- <br />itures under such items for the current fiscal year; and <br />,PWHEREAS, there is a deficiency in funds necessary to provide for the proper <br />and authorized expenditures under the items of numbers 221; 225; 261; 269; 3111 1-329; <br />362; 452; 2.41-1; 562; 564; Current Refund; 681; and 685 in said General Revenue Fund and <br />ib <br />WHEREAS said items mentioned are a part of the same Fund and the transfer of <br />monies herewith authorized is a transfer from one item to another item in the same Fund <br />and is not a transfer from one Fun$ to another Fund; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED that there is herewith transferred the sum of $3819.34 from the <br />i <br />items of numbers 211; 1-219; 241; 262; 263; 264; 341; 361; 565; Veterans Service Officer; <br />and 699 to the items of numbers 221; 225; 261; 269; 311; 1-329; 362; 452; 241-1; 562; 564; <br />Current Refund; 681; and 685, all in the General Revenue Fund of the Current budget of <br />Indian River County, upon the approval of the State Comptroller, <br />l Upon being duly seconded, the same was unanimously adopted. <br />ib <br />�1 <br />RESOLUTION" <br />!j f <br />Commissioner Albert 0. Helseth introduced the following Resolution and <br />moved its adoption, to -wits <br />WHEREAS, there is a surplus under the items of numbers 269; 323; 324, 2-325•, <br />326; 1-329; 3281; 362; and 699.,in the Fine and Forfeiture Fund of Indian,River County and <br />i} <br />�1 <br />I,i <br />
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