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7/23/2015 9:35:38 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 1:43:56 PM
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The County Assessor of Taxes, Homer C. Fletcher, appeared before the Board and pre - <br />j sented the tax rolls for the year 1947,on Real and Personal Property and also Intangible Tax I <br />Roll, which were carefully examined and found correct and on motion made by S. E. Glover, se - <br />Bonded by Frank C. Vickers' and carried, were approved, and the warrants to each of said rolls <br />f were annexed thereto and is in words and figures followings <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA <br />i <br />To Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian River: <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal propertyl 1 <br />and from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed rollSj the taxes set down <br />in each roll opposite each name, corporation. or parcel of land therein describedg and in case <br />taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law' you are to collect the same by <br />levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements so assessed' or of the person or <br />corporation so taxed; and all suns collected for the State taxes you are to pay to the State <br />Treasurer at such time as may be required by law' and at the same time you are to pay to the <br />legally qualified Depository all sums collected for county taxes' district school taxes and <br />other special taxes; and you are further required to make all collections on or before the <br />C <br />first Monday in April; and on or before the first Monday in July you will make a final report <br />to and settlement with the Comptroller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this the 1st day of Octobers in the year A. D. 1947 - <br />Homer C Fle&obgr <br />d Assessor of Taxes, Indian River County.,! <br />o <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA <br />�ITo Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian Rivers <br />You,,are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal propertyg <br />from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed Intangible Personal Property <br />Assessments Roll, the taxes set down in each roll opposite each name of person$ firm or cor- <br />poration therein described, and in case taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed <br />by law, you are to collect the same by levy and sale of goods and chattels, lands and tene- <br />ments to the person, firm or corporation so taxed; and all sums collected for the State taxes i <br />you are to pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by law; and you are fur- <br />ther required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or before <br />the first Monday in July you will make a final report to and settlement with the Comptroller <br />i <br />and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this lst day of October, in the year A. D. 1947. <br />Homer C. Fletcher <br />Assessor of Taxesq Indian River County. <br />-The Board then proceeded to .approve the commissions due the Assessor of Taxes, ;. <br />Homer C.'Fletcher] from the -various acid -several special taxing districts within the'Countyq fori, <br />commissions due for assessing the taxes,and,preparing kkie tax roll for the year -1947 as indi- <br />cated on statements submitted by Mr. Fletcher, and the following statements having been audited" <br />on motion made by S. E. -Glover' seconded= -by. -Frank -C., Vickerg,and carried, were approved by the <br />Boards <br />I+, <br />i„ <br />Name of District,,�'of Fund, <br />County <br />General School <br />School_Dist, # 1t Mt, <br />School Dist. # 1' I. & S. <br />n # 7, Mt. <br />n e # 8 & 9, Mt. <br />Maintenance Interest & Sinking <br />None ;{ <br />265,61 <br />68.45 <br />#71.93 <br />102.1{i <br />163.57 <br />R <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />
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