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?!Roseland to the home of Mrs. Morris Christensen,, Vera Beach* <br />• o Application for beverage license series (1-A) P S in wet or dry counties for Martin <br />'Hammer operating at -per's Grocery (formerly Eckhofffs Grocery) was approved bubject to <br />approval by the City of Vero Beacho <br />i <br />Application for beverage license for Elmer and Stella Arendas (4} miles south on <br />W, S. 19 Vero Beach'Florida) Series (2) COP in wet counties only was approved._ <br />County Deed No. 284 was executed by the Board under provisions of Chapter No. 22079's ' <br />Acts of 1943-- <br />The <br />943.-The Glerk�'read to the Board the letter addressed to it under date of March 30, 1948, <br />by Mr. Robert G. Carter, Supervisor of the Hospital Planning Division of the Florida State <br />Improvement Commission- and inquiring whether or not this Board felt that Indian River Hospital <br />in Indian River County should be declared replaceable. It was the concensus of the Board that fh <br />beyond y question the hospital should be declared replaceable. Thereupon, Cr,mmissioner.Hels®th <br />introduced the foiling resolution and moved its adaption' to -wit: <br />WHEREAS, it is advisable that this Board determine and declare whether or not Indian. <br />River County is repleaceable under the program of Florida State Improvement Commission in <br />Its administration'In''Florida of the Federal Hospital Survey and construction Act; and such <br />question having been duly considered by this Board; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,Florida, <br />D��i�, APRII, .9. Q�yA <br />_gip.. ..■ .�w�� <br />I� <br />Th® Board of; Aunty Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in j <br />• <br />Nero Beach,.Florida, at 10:00 Wolock A. M., Tuesday' April 69 1948, in regular meeting with <br />the following members present: W. C. Craves, Jr., Chairman; Albert O. Helseth, J. L, Helpling, <br />,,and Frank C. Vickers, Absent: S.,E. Glover. Also present were E. E. Carter, County £nginem, <br />Charles A. Mitdhell, Attorney; Douglas Baker, Clerk; and L. W. Siisby, Deputy Clerk. <br />Minutes of the <br />previous meeting were read and approved. <br />Notary Publie,,,Bond for Rachel Brocksmith in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety <br />Company as surety was approved March 26, 19489 by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court as pro- <br />vided by Law. <br />Notary Public Bond for Vera F. Moore in the sum of $100.00 with St. Paul Mercury and <br />Indemnity Company as surety was approved March 27, 1948, by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, <br />as provided by haw. <br />City Clerk,`A. C. MacConnell, Cocfian Charles C. Jewett and Fire Chief A. P, <br />;Baughman appeared before the Board and presented financial statements with regard to the Indian <br />River Fire Protective Association and related to the Hoard that said fire association was in- <br />debted to the City of 'Vero Beach in the sum of several hundred dollars. On motion made, duly <br />'seconded and carried' the Board agreed to and did appropriate the additional sum of $,V500*00 <br />to be paid to the Indian"River Fire Protective Association from the General Revenue Fund, and <br />'the Board further agreed that they would place in their budget for the fiscal year 1948-1949 <br />,the sum of $39000.00 for the Indian River Fire Protective Association. <br />Dr. J. Ross Hague, County Health Officer of the Indian River County Health Unit, <br />pappeared'before the Board together with Miss -Verna N, McGhee and recommended that she be appoint- <br />ed nurse for the Indian River County Health Unite 04 motion Made by Commissioner Helseth <br />seconded by Commissioner Helpling and unanimously approved the recommendation of Dr. Hague as i! <br />to the appointment of Miss McGhee was confirmed -by th :;Board. <br />• <br />Miss Durrance of the local Red Cross Chapter appeared before the Board with regard to <br />the Welfare case of Mrs. Thelma McNeal of Roseland, and the Board agreed to be responsible for <br />_ j <br />hospitalization costs tn�the sum of $57.00. <br />The Board agreed that Mrs. Pohorsky be removed from the Radinsky Nursing Some At <br />?!Roseland to the home of Mrs. Morris Christensen,, Vera Beach* <br />• o Application for beverage license series (1-A) P S in wet or dry counties for Martin <br />'Hammer operating at -per's Grocery (formerly Eckhofffs Grocery) was approved bubject to <br />approval by the City of Vero Beacho <br />i <br />Application for beverage license for Elmer and Stella Arendas (4} miles south on <br />W, S. 19 Vero Beach'Florida) Series (2) COP in wet counties only was approved._ <br />County Deed No. 284 was executed by the Board under provisions of Chapter No. 22079's ' <br />Acts of 1943-- <br />The <br />943.-The Glerk�'read to the Board the letter addressed to it under date of March 30, 1948, <br />by Mr. Robert G. Carter, Supervisor of the Hospital Planning Division of the Florida State <br />Improvement Commission- and inquiring whether or not this Board felt that Indian River Hospital <br />in Indian River County should be declared replaceable. It was the concensus of the Board that fh <br />beyond y question the hospital should be declared replaceable. Thereupon, Cr,mmissioner.Hels®th <br />introduced the foiling resolution and moved its adaption' to -wit: <br />WHEREAS, it is advisable that this Board determine and declare whether or not Indian. <br />River County is repleaceable under the program of Florida State Improvement Commission in <br />Its administration'In''Florida of the Federal Hospital Survey and construction Act; and such <br />question having been duly considered by this Board; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,Florida, <br />