<br />ilhereby declares Indian River Hospital in said county repleaceable because said hospital is
<br />(1) of non -fire -resistive constriction, (2) of archaic constructions (3) is housed in a
<br />structure so designed as to -make difficult its operation.
<br />BE IT FURTHER RENOOM that a certified copy of excerpts of the minutes of this
<br />i,Board showing the adoption of this Resolution be forwarded by'the Clerk to Mr. Carter.
<br />The motion for the adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Helpling.
<br />Upon roll call' the Resolution was unanimously adopted by the following votes
<br />Ayes: Graves, Helpling, Helseth and Vickers.
<br />Hays: Done.
<br />The Board #pproved the purchasing of a road roller (second-hand equipment) on a
<br />rental basis from C. R. Cruse not to exceed the sum of $"r $600,00.
<br />The Board proceeded to and did name and select the following persons as inspectors
<br />and Clerk of election of the various precincts to hold and conduct the primary.election to be
<br />held Tuesday, May 491948, to -wit.:
<br />Mrs. Carl A. Keifer, Etta-3tudebaker and Edna Holtzclaw, Inspectors and Albert C. Haag' Clerk.
<br />r
<br />Voting Place: Community Hall.
<br />P. P. Lawson' G. A. Braddock and E. C. Peterson, Inspect®rs, and P. G. Hamrick, Clerk.
<br />� Voting Places City Hall.
<br />{
<br />EU CIENT NO-*- 3. ==O
<br />!,!Mrs, Helen Oe Bacon, Mrs. C. S. Michael and Mrs. alma Jones' Inspectors' and I. F. Stinson,
<br />Clerk., Voting Places Hubert Graves Packing Housee
<br />09G11N-0441 MEM .BEM
<br />!!Mrs. Homer Ammons, Charles Anderson and Mrs. Broward McCullers, Inspectors, and John Jenkinsq
<br />;Clerk. Voting Places Ammonst Filling Station, Minter Beach®
<br />I1�CT
<br />.-Cw��R�.� �a.?��?.AO BEAD%_
<br />Abbie Wyckhoff, Bertha Tippin and Mrs. Lawrence Cole, Inspectors, and.A. B. Whilden, Clerk.
<br />';Voting Places Community Building.
<br />EUGM LOO L-118 1=1 M2 ffm
<br />,Maude Lambert, William`, H. Keifer and George B. Owen, Inspectors, and C. E. Rodgers, Clerk.
<br />',Voting Places Community Building,
<br />R. K. Buzzard, Robert M Curzon, and Janis P Cruze, Inspectors, and Elmer J Bauer, Clerk.
<br />(Voting Place: Community Building.
<br />�1 �RIV�� � i - �e�we�ss� wowi�wnw� �TiTii.
<br />j G. C. Hoard, Harry Weaver, and Melton Ware, Inspectors, and Paul Goodridge, Clerk. Voting
<br />Place: Richard's Building (formerly' Max Tavern).
<br />ME =3170- TIIIIV-15WW 617101 774W_Pf�119_*.A
<br />Ralph Estes, Sarah B. Cockrell and Iris Keffer, Inspectors, and John J. Torpey, Clerk. Vot
<br />Flake: Richard's Building (formerly, Max Tavern),
<br />E=INCT 1_0. 6TC. SM H 'V Q L
<br />Kathryn D., Rick, Orville Remley and George T. Young, Inspectors, and Dan K. Richardson, Clerk.
<br />Voting Places Richard's Building (formerly, Max Tavern)!
<br />na Helseth, Mattie C. Lane and Gulli E. Larson, Inspectors, and Elias Helseth, Clerk.
<br />Voting Place: Oslo Packing Company.
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