<br />Application to transfer beverage license No, 12 from Calvin W. Heasley to
<br />Donald EcIlvane "Parkway Hotel* was approved.
<br />Application to transfer beverage license No. 18 from Edward S. Thomas and Fotis R.
<br />Takia to Fotis N. Takia n Delmiar CocktailL a was approved.
<br />LThere being no further business the Board then adjourned until 2s00 o'clock P. M.
<br />11,Friday, May `i' 1948' because of the primary election being held on Tuesday, May 4' 19489 said
<br />date being the regular meeting date of this Board.
<br />ATTE
<br />------------------------------ire----------------------------sir-----�s�.��®s�\r_I►�s�l-irrr�®r0o®s®�— '
<br />i
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the court House in
<br />1 Vero Beach t 2:E3/P.c®ck ad�eurned
<br />a Florida,s , Friday, Y",1s 1948, In regular/ane Ing with the following
<br />members of the Board presants Wo C. Graves, Jr., Chairtan; Albert 0. Heiseth, Y
<br />S. E. Glover, and Frank C. Vickers. Absents J. L. Helpl ng. Also present were 8. E. Carter,
<br />1,
<br />County Engineer; Alice Helles®' L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; Sherman N. Smith, Jr., of the firm of
<br />Mitchell, Smith and Mitchelland Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved..
<br />F Mr. E. R. Bell of Orlando, Florida, appeared before the Board with regard to his
<br />wife1who is a patient in the 'tuberculosis Sanitorium in Orlando. Douglas Baker' Clerk, was
<br />instructed to write the following letter to Dr. Thompson of the Florida State Sanitorium with
<br />,regard to the Board's position regarding Mrs. Belle,
<br />iii May 9' 191+8
<br />Dr. R. D. Thompson
<br />Superintendent State Tuberculosis Sanitorium
<br />P. 0. Bou 3513
<br />Orlando, Florida
<br />In Res Mrs. Setty Lou Bell
<br />Vero Beach, Florida
<br />'Dear Dr. Thompson:
<br />The Board of County Commissioners today took under consideration your letters of
<br />April 9 28 and 30 concer the above named patient, Mr,► Eddie R. Bell, the husband of
<br />,this patient appeared before the Board. The Board has diected me to advise you as followss
<br />The Board received, investigated and acting upon the application for admission of
<br />I '!
<br />this patient in the usual manner and relied upon AM accepts `the statement in the application
<br />the satement of.the patient that she had been a resident of Florida for four years. There-
<br />fore the Board cannot and does not assume the amount of hospitalization from December 59 1947,
<br />;the late of her admission, accepting only to the extent of $1.25 per day being the County
<br />portion of the aid. It is the opinion -of the Board that the State be responsible for its
<br />!share of the aid until the determination is made that the patient is not entitled to State
<br />aid.
<br />The Board is further -willing for Mrs. Bell to continue as transient patient and
<br />;under this arrangement the Board is willing to pay the sum of $1.25 toward the hospitali-nation
<br />!costs but cannot and does not assume any responsibility for hospital costs above $1,25 -per
<br />'day. If it is not possible for the State to pay its portion to wit $3.00 per day then the:
<br />,County will be willing to continue its $1.25 per day, providing Mr. Bell or some of her family
<br />assume full responsibility and pay all of her hospitalization costs above $1.25 per day. These
<br />arrangements for payment of this additional sum should be made with the sanitarium Rnd the
<br />Aavments made directly to the-sanitorium.
<br />Yours., -very truly,
<br />o las B
<br />DBsRG Cle7k Board County Commission&"
<br />- - -W qW 40 40- - -
<br />Messrs. MacConne11'-,1tppin, Griffis' Johnson, Ezell, Lockwood, -Graves and Taylor -
<br />,appeared before the Board *Ith`'regard to the Blue Cypress Uke road to be constructed by the
<br />,County, and the Board advised'these gentlemen that work was or would be in the near future
<br />started constructing said road.
<br />It was moved by
<br />Commissioner
<br />Gloveri seconded by.Commissioner
<br />Vickers an arried
<br />that the Board appropriate
<br />and,pay from
<br />the General Revenue
<br />Fund the sum
<br />of $100.00 to
<br />0
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />r
<br />0
<br />