The several County Depositories filed their monthly statements, showing balance
<br />on hand, receipts, disbursements and balance on hand at the close of December 19269
<br />which, having been audited, were found to be correct.
<br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were
<br />examined and approved, and warrants ordered issued in settlement of same. The said
<br />bills and voucher~ being on file in the Clerk's office and made a part of these
<br />minutes.
<br />There being no farther business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board
<br />adjourned to re= c onvenet on call of the Chairman.
<br />man 0
<br />ATTEST:
<br />Q
<br />C le rk.
<br />--------- -----------------------------fir s ---------------------------------------------
<br />FRIDAY, A VARY 14th, 1927.
<br />At a -Speda meeting of tti a Board of County Commissioners, called by the Chair-
<br />man,thr-d.s Board met at 2 o'clock P.M.Friday, January 14th 1926, at the Court House
<br />in Vero Bench, Florida with the following members of the Board presents John H.Atkin,
<br />Chairman; G.A.Braddock;.-J.J.P.Hamilton ad O.O.Helseth. Also present was Miles Warren,
<br />Clerk.
<br />The Chairman announced the purpose of the meeting was to adopt a resolution res-
<br />pecting the condemnation of. certain land for right-of-way for State Road No. 4 South
<br />of Vero Beach and for such other matters as may properly come before the Board at
<br />this time.
<br />The Deputy 'Sheriff bond of William Frick, in the gum of $19000.00 with William
<br />Atkin end Nellie M. Babb, as sweties was approved.
<br />The Deputy Sheriff bond of Frank Thompson, in the sum of $19000.00 with B.Arnold
<br />and Miles McNece, as sureties was approved.
<br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner J.J.P Hamilton$
<br />HEREAS, the State Road Department of the `State of Florida, has requested the
<br />Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, to secure a right -of -w
<br />sixty-six (66) feet in width for the location of State Road No'.49 Project 691 through
<br />Indian River County,9 and
<br />HEREAT, th right-of-way fa said .State Road has been surveyed and located by the
<br />State Road Department in said County ,of Indian River, and
<br />WHEREAS, the State Road Department has advised the Board of Commissioners of
<br />Indian River County, Florida, that Darr & Faunce, Incorporated, through whose lands sai<
<br />road has been surveyed and located by the State Road Department, has failed and
<br />refused to execute and deliver a conveyance of said right-of-way to the State Road
<br />Department, or to the County of Indian River, for the location of said mad, and
<br />WMMS, the State Road Department of the State of Florida has requested the
<br />'Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, to oondemn all nese
<br />lands for the purpose of securing rights -of -was for said State Road; therefore,
<br />BE IT RSILVED, that condemnation proceedings shall be'brought and maintained in
<br />the name of the County Commissioners of Indian River County,, F orida, agai no t said
<br />Dago & Finance, Incorporated, and all other pasties having any claim in the following
<br />described right-ofway for ;State Road No. 4 Project 691, to -wits
<br />1
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