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7/23/2015 8:51:21 AM
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6/8/2015 2:45:18 PM
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1 <br />1 <br />107 i <br />A tract of lard 66 feet in width the center line of which is the center line <br />of --State Road No. 49 Project691, and begins at a point 827 feet Last of the North-west <br />corner of the South half of the South-west quarter of the Forth -east quarter of section <br />31, Township 33 South, Range 40 Nast, thence South 19 degrees 8 minutes Bast to a point <br />412 feet West and 440 feet North of the South-east corner of the south-west quarter <br />of the North-east quarter of said section, Township and Range. <br />ALD <br />a tract <br />of <br />land 66 <br />feet <br />in <br />width the <br />center <br />line <br />of <br />Mich is the <br />center <br />line of State <br />Road No. <br />4, <br />Project <br />691 <br />and <br />begins at <br />a point <br />in <br />the <br />Wiest line of <br />the <br />North-east quarter of the South-east quarter of Section 319 Township 33 South, Range <br />40 past, 665 feet South of the North-west corner of said Tract, thence South 19 degrees <br />8 minutes Bast 560 feet to a point. Said point befzg 3.194 feet South and 183.7 feet <br />Bast of -tbe North-west corner of the North-east quarter of the South-east quarter of <br />Section 31, Township 33 South, Rage 40 Bast. <br />ALSO a tract of land 96 feet in width Ike center line of which is the center <br />line of State Road No. 4, pwjeet 691, and begins at a point 1194 feet South and 183.7 <br />feet Bast of the North, -west corner of the North. -east quarter of the South-east quarter <br />of Section 319 Tovinship 33 South, Range 40 mast thence South 19 degrees 8 minutes Bast <br />650 feet to a point, thence on an eleven degree curve to the right 426.8 feet to a <br />point. Thense `South 27 degrees 52 minutes west 373.8 feet to a pointnin the North line <br />of the South 100 feet of the South quarter of Section 31, Township 33 South, Range 40 <br />Bast, said point being 1082 feet west aid 100- feet North of the South-east corner ct <br />the South quarter of Section 31, Township 33 South, Range 40 East. <br />BE IT FURTHER 18 OLVED9 that the attorngr for this Board be, and he is hereby, <br />nstrated <br />and empowered <br />to immediately <br />proceed to institute <br />and prosecute said suit. <br />Said <br />resolution was <br />duly seconded <br />and upon being put to <br />a vote was unanimously <br />carried as follows: <br />r <br />Ayes: Commissioners J.J.P.Hamilton; o.O.Helseth; G.A.Braddock and John H -Atkin.`_ <br />Nays: N o n e. <br />_" --------------------- <br />The following Road Committee Report was received and read: <br />ROAD X70 LMIT TBE REPORT. <br />We, the undersigned Committee app inted by Honorable Body on the 4th day of <br />January 1927 with instructions to view and mark out the best route for a Public road, <br />described in the petition as followe,to-wit: <br />A point 1772.4 feet Wiest and 735.5 feet Forth of Government Lot 1, Township 32 <br />South Range 39 Bast; thence North-westerly to a point 400 feet Vest of the inner shore <br />line of the Atlantic Ocean on the Township line between Townships 31 and 32 South, <br />Range 39 Last; them, a North-westerly and parallel with the shore of the Atlantic Ocean <br />on the Tomship line between Townships 30 and 31 South, Range 39 Bast. The center line <br />of this road through Township 31 South Rainge 39 Bast not Am to be less than 400 feet <br />from the inner shore line of the Atlantic Oceans beg leave to report to your honors <br />as follows: That we, after fist having subscribed to the oath required by law before <br />entering on our dties make this our general report: That we proceeded to the said <br />proposed location of the said public road -upon the 4th day of January 19279 and viewed <br />and corked out the following as the best route for said proposed road. ( Sad road is to <br />be 100 feet wide) A point 1772.4 feet Bast and 735.5 feet North of S.E.Croner of <br />Government Lot 10 Section 1 Township 32 South, Range 39 Bast thence North-westerly <br />to a point appraimately 400 feet West of the Inner shore line of the Atlantic Ocean <br />
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