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Reeser, B. W. Schardt, Geo., M. Sr. <br />Rehberg, 1. H. Sawyer' David P..: <br />Rymer, Dec Semon' Paul 0.. Jr.. <br />Reich, Robert A. Wood, F. Be <br />Rice, Byron S. Ward, 0. F. <br />Stansel, Clyde Wood' Ben ,F. <br />M <br />Smith, Gayle Wasson,, H., L.. <br />Young' Herbert Be <br />Zorn, Errol g, <br />Stansel, N, R. <br />The several bills and accounts against the Coupt q having been audited,y were examined <br />jand found correct, were approved and warrants issued intlementf same. Such bills and <br />accounts being on- fiier{in the office of the Clerk- of ' the - Circuit Court, the Warrants so issued <br />,from the respective funds being listed in the Suppl®ment " pute Book, as provided by the <br />!rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and'the list so recorded being made a <br />j, part of these minutes. <br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and dUbursements <br />of the various funds, which having been audited were found to be correcte, <br />Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried'the Board adjourned. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />ATTBtiS <br />•N`.o®�ili��r•��r®r �rr�rrrr rrrr srrrrrsrrrrr------ <br />The <br />—rrrrThe Board of County Commissioners met in a special meeting held Friday, 7s30 P. M., <br />I� January 149 1949, with the officers and 'directors of Indian River County Hospital Association, <br />Inc., for the purpose'of considering public hospital requirements for the County. Present <br />�weres W. 0. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Tom No Stewart, Aubrey L. Waddell, H: C. Watts and J. L. <br />�Izeipling. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney; and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />�! Officers, Directors and members of the Indian River County Hospital Association pro - <br />"sent were C. Be Cox, President; B. G. Thatcher,,Secretaryi Albert 0. Helseth, F. G. Hunter, <br />J`, Mrs. Garnet Grant, Mrs. S. Be Taylor, Mrs. Garnet Radin, Bill, Wodtke, Doctors GiFforci and. <br />op <br />1I!Robertson, John Hopwood and T. A. Peebles. <br />Presideit C.`Z. Cory of She Hospital Association, called the meeting to order, mAde <br />brief remarks as to the report of the ateeting and then turned the meeting over tb Secreta'ry <br />B. G. Thatcher to' carry' on. Mr. Thatcher gave a brief or summary of the history of the old <br />land present hospital; lJ4ewise, as to the hospital drive for raising funds to build a new ; <br />,`hospital. He stated the approximate cost for a forty bed hospital was $450,000.009 and that <br />on a project of this amount the government would contribute $1499000,00; further hospital <br />association had received to date from the hospital drive $1050000.00; therefore, a -remaining <br />I' sum of up to $200,000.00 would he needed, and_ to hospital association together wjth the Board' <br />of County Commissioners should try to determine ways and me no of financing the balance. <br />Mr. Charles, A. Mitchell, .attorney for theboard stAted in- his opinion- there were two <br />ways to obtain revenue for this purposes 1. Through a bots Issue and vote of the people; <br />2. To issue Revenue Certificates. He stated that he doubted if thellocome from the hospital <br />I G,� <br />E <br />1 <br />D <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />