The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, .were examined
<br />Nand found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such
<br />;! bills and accounts being on file in the. office of the Clerks of the Circuit .Court, the Warrants
<br />iso issued from the respective funds being listedinthe. Supplemental Minute Book, as provided
<br />by the rules of he State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so recorded being
<br />made a part of tese: minutes.
<br />Depository filed itS :monthly statement, showing receipts and disburse-
<br />.
<br />ous. funds, . which having been audi ted''were''found to be correct.
<br />The County
<br />11,ments of the var
<br />adjourned.
<br />,.r
<br />There being no further business;:; on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board then
<br />TI'J SDAY, JANUARY 3k 1950.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian"River County met at the Court House
<br />A.n a regular meeting at 10100 o'clock l.;'*., Tuesday, Jbanuar7 3i 1950, with the following
<br />and
<br />'' members presents. C.,'Graves, ,rman; H. C. Watts, Tole '�',N. Stewart, Aubrey L. Waddell,/
<br />Sylvester Woods. Aso present were E. E, Carter,'Road anOridge Superintendent; L. B. O'Steen
<br />Sheriff; Douglas Baker, Clerk; and S.' Smith, Jr., Attorney from the firm of Mitchell, Smith
<br />& Mitchell.
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, called'the meeting to order. There being no old business to
<br />,be considered at this time, the Board' then proceeded in the order of new business.
<br />On motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Watts and unanimously
<br />carried, W. C. Graves, Jr..was elected to serve as chairman for the ensuing year. Chairman
<br />;Graves then took Over the
<br />as moved by Commissioner "''addell, seconded by
<br />Commissioner Watts unanimously carried, that Tom N. Stewart was elected to serve as Chair-
<br />man Pro -tem for the
<br />The minutes of the previous meetings were
<br />read and approved on motion of Commissioner'
<br />Waddell seconded by Conrnissioner Stewart„:and carried.
<br />Commlssioner Stewart, seoonded by .Commissioner Waddell and unanimously
<br />On motion of
<br />', carried S. N. Smith Jr. of the ` law,3firm`; of Mitchell, Smith & Mitchell was , employed as
<br />County attorney for the ensuing year at a ` salary of ' $150.00 per month.
<br />On motion ,of Commissioner Stewart, . seconded by Commissioner Watts and unanimously
<br />tr
<br />carried, all other' County employees and officers were re-employed, salaries remaining the
<br />same as follows, to -wits
<br />NAE
<br />E. E. Carter
<br />Douglas Baker
<br />C. E. Strait
<br />Elmer Harris
<br />M. A. Boudet
<br />and and Bridge Superintendent
<br />w=officio ;Clerk to Board
<br />Janitor
<br />County- Service Officer
<br />County Agent
<br />It was then moved by Commissioner Stewart,
<br />$ 300.00
<br />200.00
<br />175.00
<br />100.00
<br />150.0p Salary
<br />(plus $75.00 car expense)
<br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and
<br />,unanimously carried, that the salaries of the following public officers remain the same as
<br />foil?, to -wits
<br />NAME
<br />S. N. Smith, Jr.
<br />Otis M. Cobb
<br />Otis M. Cobb
<br />Prosecuting Attorney $200.00 quarterly plus com-
<br />missions as provided by law
<br />County Judge General Revenue Fund $ 150.00
<br />Judge Juvenile Court, Fine and .
<br />Forfeiture Fund
<br />Mrs. Louis Harris, Jr. Supervisor of Registration
<br />150.00
<br />150.00
<br />