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It was ordered that Mr. C. M. Gaffney, Court Reporter, Fort Pierce, Florida, receive <br />the sum of $25.00 per month as provided by law. <br />It was ordered that Honorable A. 0. Kanner, Circuit Judge, Fort Pierce, Florida, <br />receive the sum ofo•, y per provided by law. <br />It was ordered that Honorable Thad Carleton, Assistant State Attorney, Fort Pierce, <br />Florida,/receive the sum of* 34-47r- per month as provided by law. <br />J Commissioner Watts offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption as <br />follows, to -wit: <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, Charles A. Mitchell was a citizen and resident of Indian River County, <br />Florida, for many years and passed away on December 18, 1949, and who, at the time of his <br />death, was serving as attorney for the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida; and, <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Mitchell was recognized by the citizens of this County as a successful <br />attorney for this Board and a civic leader of the affairs of the County and was highly re- <br />spected by all w/iith whom he had contact; and, <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Mitchell rendered splendid service to this Board as its attorney <br />in furthering the development of this County and promoting the welfare of its citizens; there- <br />fore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, <br />that the members of this Board individually and the citizens of this County generally, are <br />deeply grieved by the passing of Mr. Mitchell and herewith extend sindere sympathy to the <br />members of his family. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of <br />this Board and that a copy thereof be forwarded to Mrs. Charles A. Mitchell, his widow, and <br />that a copy thereof be furnished to the Press of this County. <br />The foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Woods and unanimously <br />adopted. <br />Notary Public Bond for T. J. Dupree in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety <br />Company of New York as surety was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, December 14, <br />1949, as provided by law. <br />Application for admission to tuberculosis sanitorium for Charles Anderson, colored, <br />Oslo Sexton colored quarters was approved December 16, 1949. <br />Mrs. Garnet Radin,Superimtehdent of the Indian. River Hospital, appeared before the <br />Board and submitted a report of County cases covering a six months! period beginning July 1, <br />1949, to January 1, 1950. Said report was reviewed by the Board and ordered filed with the <br />Clerk. <br />After considering said report it was moved by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by <br />Commissioner, Waddell and carried, that the monthly payments to the hospital be increased from <br />$175.00 per month to $200.00 per month effective February 1, 1950. <br />M. A. Boudet, County agent, appeared before the Board and submitted a report of his <br />activities for the month of December, 1949, together with a plan of work from January 1, 1950, <br />to and including December 31, 1950, and after the same had been reviewed by the Board they <br />were ordered filed with the Clerk. <br />Notary Public Bond for Charles D. Toole in the sum of $500.00 with Miles Warren and <br />C. E. Cox as sureties was approved. <br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, announced he had received State warrant for $853.0; to cover <br />Indian River County's distributive share of the 7th cent gasoline tax as authorized by <br />