Notary Pjblic Bond for Earle G. Thatcher in the sum of $500.00 with Masse:.Bonding
<br />and;Insurance Company as surety was approved March 27 by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court,
<br />as provided by law.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board
<br />then adjourned.
<br />ATTEST
<br />=0;- A: ?- � •_ �R� �� 1,�"�,�i ,e`er
<br />TUESDAY, APRIL 4i 1950.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />in regular meeting.at_1OsQ0A. M., Tuesday, April 4, 1950, with the following members
<br />present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Aubrey L. Waddell, Tom N. Stewart, Sylvester Woods and
<br />H. C. Watts. Also present were Marshall 0. Mitchell, Attorney difthe firm of Mitchell,
<br />Smith & Mitchell; E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent; L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff, and
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of the former meetings were read,and upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart and carried, the same were approved.
<br />C. E. Cox, President, and E. G. Thatcher, Secretary of the Indian River County
<br />ftospital Association, Inc., appeared before the Board and presented plans for
<br />as
<br />building and financing the new hospital which plans/out-lined were received and approved
<br />upon motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried.
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed to write the State Board of Health requesting
<br />County Health Department Hxpenditures, and to write to Dr. J. Ross Hague of the Indian River
<br />County Health Unit for a schedule as to when he is intthe office here in Vero Beach in
<br />connection with his duties with the Indian River County Health Unit.
<br />On motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell, the Board
<br />agreed to take a page add in the Vero Beach Press Journal for the Board of County Commissioners
<br />in connection with the County's 25th anniversary edition. The committee responsible for the
<br />adto be Tom N. Stewart, Chairman; Marshall 0. Mitchell, E. E. Carter and Miss Elena Mead.
<br />Mrs. L. F. Lucky, Chairman of the conservation committee of the Woman's Club
<br />appeared before the Board requesting the County to make available 40 acres of land to be
<br />used in their conservation program with the understanding that during the time the acreage
<br />is used as such it would not be subject to County taxes.
<br />Said request was granted, land to be selected by the Woman's Club.
<br />�F3 OLUT�0,1�1
<br />COmissioner Stewart introduced the following Resolutibn and moved its adoption
<br />as follows, to -wits
<br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, is
<br />vitally interested in the improvement of Florida State Road No. 5, also known as U. S.
<br />Highway No. 1, through Indian River Countn Florida; and,
<br />WHEREAS, it is the opinion of said Board of County Commissioners that the best
<br />interests of this County would be served by improving said highway on the location on which
<br />said highway now exists; and,
<br />WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board that the present volume of traffic on
<br />said highway requires its immediate improvement; now, therefore,
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida,
<br />