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<br />WEDNESDAY' JANUARY 108 195111.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />special meeting at lOsOO o'clock A. M., Wednesday, January 10, 19519 with the following
<br />members present: Tom N. Stewart, Chairman; W. C. Graves, Jr., Aubrey L. Waddell, H. C.
<br />Watts and J. J. P. Hamilton. Also present were S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney; E. E. Carter,
<br />Road and Bridge Superintendent, and Douglas Baker, Clerk, and L. W. Silsby, Deputy Sheriff.
<br />Chairman Stewart announced this meeting was balled for the purpose of adopting
<br />certain Resolutions and such other business as might be properly brought before the Board.
<br />At the request of Mr. Dave Albright representing the American Legion, the following
<br />Resolution was adopted.
<br />Commissioner Ggaves introduced the following Resolution and moved'its adoption
<br />as follows, to -wits
<br />WHEREAS, the proposed Charter of Vero Beach American Legion Fait Association, Inc.,
<br />a corporation not for profit, and proposed to be organized under the provisions of Chapter
<br />7388, Acts of 1917, and supplements and amendments thereof and thereto, has been submitted
<br />to thist the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, and in which
<br />county the principal office of said Association is to be located, and which propowed Charter
<br />was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court i -n and for Indian River County,
<br />Florida, on the 10th day of January, 1951; and,
<br />WHEREAS, Said proposed Charter and the objects, powers and t rms thereof have
<br />been duly considered by this Board of County Commissioners and found satisfactory; therefore:
<br />BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE said proposed Charter of Vero Beach American Legion Fair
<br />Association, Inc., be and it is, herewith approved by the Board of County Commissioners of
<br />Indian River County, Florida;
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prodf of such approval shall be evidaneed by the certi-
<br />fication of this resolution by the Clerk of this Board.
<br />adpbted.
<br />The foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously
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<br />Commissioner Graves introduced the following Resolution au d Moved its
<br />adoption as follows, to -wit:
<br />WHEREAS, under Chapter 269321 of the Extraordinary Session of 19499 known as the
<br />"Secondary Roads Assistance Act of 1949", the State Road Department will receive 80% of the
<br />proceeds of this County's prorata share of the Seventh Cent gasoline tax, to be used exclus-
<br />ively by the said department within this County, as directed by Resolution of this Board of
<br />Commissioners, for one or more of the following purposes: construction, reconstruction,
<br />maintenance and repair of State roads and bridges, the lease or purchase of bridges connect -
<br />Ing State roads, the acquisition of right of way for State roads, and the reduction of road
<br />and bridge indebtedness; and,
<br />WHEREAP the State Road Department has requested this County Board to designate
<br />also the purpose for which, and the roads on which, this County's 80% surplus gas tax and
<br />Federal Aid Secondary allocations should be spent for construction and improvement; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the State Road Department is required by law to adopt an annual budget
<br />of maintenance and construction work designed to use all except ten percent of its anti-
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