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At the request of Paul Marchant and Ed Lochman, representing the V. F. W. and <br />American Legion, the Board appropriated and ordered paid the sum of $250.00 to Ray Ruch, Finan <br />cial Chairman, toward the expenses of the tri -county Armistice Day celebration. It was stated <br />' that the cost would be approximately $1000.00 and the sum of $250.00 each would be paid by the <br />V. F. W., American Legion and the City of Vero Beach. <br />A delegation from Wabasso consisting of Mr. and Mrs. John Cates, et al, together <br />with a number of teen-agers, appeared before the Board and requested that the matter of eviction <br />procedure relating to the Wabasso Beach property (Shipshewana Shores). be re -opened for further <br />discussion ,&A4 in order that a petition in behalf of the tenants or defendants, be presented to <br />the Board. After due consideration, Vice -Chairman Graves propounded the following question: <br />"does the.Board wish to re -open the matter for further hearing?" It was then moved by Commis- <br />sioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts and unanimously carried, that the Board was not <br />in a position to re -open the matter for further hearing because it was now involved in Court <br />procedure and should be determined by the Court. <br />SEVERIN H. HANSON - ROAD CLOSING NOTICE <br />qS3�/g" <br />BOOR PAGE <br />VER® BEACH PRESS -JOURNAL <br />NOTICE i I <br />Published Weekly Notice is hereby given that the 8c�ard <br />y of County ComMissioners.'; of In�ian <br />River County,.Florida, has adopted a <br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida Resolution closing, vacating and tsed <br />'ab-landoning any public ori -private seet,'road;or alleyway or other place 1 <br />for travel and all portions thereof6nd <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />renouncing and disclaiming any°ight <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: lof Indian River County, Florida, land <br />Before the undersigned author) the public in and to any and allkey- <br />nd <br />ty .personally appeared J. J. Schumann, who delineated `as a street, road oron oath says that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a weeldy i way on all that part of Cherokee eet <br />lying more than 40 feet on each )side <br />newspaper published at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached of a tine described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point 37 310 <br />c0 of advertisement being a _ feet, from the Northwest corner of <br />Py g � Block 19, according to the, T�vn <br />Plat of Wauregan, which poin is , <br />`yn O - on the Wesf . line of said Bl k, <br />ill the matter of f�—��c�- ' !" �� thence running East on an inte for <br />angle with the he West <br />line of id <br />- ` <br />Block of 90 degrees 12 minutes for <br />a distance of 280.0 feet to a pq t, <br />thence on a tangent line: to a pint <br />on the West line of Lot 11,aid <br />Norm being122 feetSouth , <br />-- in the ,. _ — —___� Court, was pub- . ' the <br />� Northwest corner of Lot 111,, ex- <br />cept, .however, Manatee Avee, <br />Brevard Avenue and Waur n <br />fished in said newspaper in the issues of Avenue; all according to the lit <br />of Wauregan, as recorded i[1 lit <br />1� , {= • Book 1; pages 178 and 179, i j the <br />office of the Clerk of the Ci suit II <br />Court of St, Lucie County, Flo�'ida, <br />now situated. in Indian River Coi' n - <br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at <br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida, and that the said_; newspaper has heretofore <br />been continuously published in said Indian River County P'ibrC<k has been entered L13 <br />orida. <br />as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Beachy $d9�tl' CSity -Florida; : AR37 OF COUNTY <br />for a period of one year nest preceeding the first publication' Qf-$tat g his v8rtisement; MMISSIONERS of Indian ;River <br />and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor, j o Cerl9orati n <br />PrR �� o nty, Florida <br />any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pur i SirethisF adVertiaeinent for By: mom N: Stewart,publication in the said newspaper. �4 °Chairman <br />, 1951 <br />Sworn to and subscribed before me I! - <br />this da r e <br />�...- 4 4a <br />4,. <br />-s <br />• ' R e <br />-A. D. <br />Clerk of the C uit Court, Indian River G'07fiy; <br />(SEAL) <br />Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Whittier appeared before the Board and requested the County <br />to open: the Blue Cypress Road going north from State Road #30 through the property of W. H. <br />Surrency leading to land owned by them and described as Section 36, Township 31 South, Range 35 <br />East, in order that they might have public access to the land, and stated that if the County <br />would re -open the old right-of-way that they would work with the Board and share expenses as to <br />the cost of filling in".and,constructing bridges.which would be.required. .After consideration -- <br />and discussion, Gomm ssioner Waddell was named to work with Sherman N. Smith, .Jr.., Attorney,. wand <br />that the Attorney ­be instrucited to investigate the:matter in.order to determine what -legal grounds <br />the County has, if any, to re -open the road in question. <br />