the Board appointed Colonel A. V. Lill as Director, and Major Harold V. Mason as Deputy Director
<br />of Civil Defense in Iridian River County and it was ordered that Mr. W. D. Hilsabeck, Director
<br />Civil Defense, Miami region, Miami, Florida, be so advised. Said action was taken upon motion
<br />of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried.
<br />A letter was received from Charles E. Duncan stating that he would no longer be
<br />a member of the firm of Duncan, Stewart and McVoy, Architects.
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed to place $10,000.00 surplus race track funds
<br />in the Road and Bridge Fund.
<br />Notary Public bond for Margie J. Smith in the sum of $500.00 -with American Surety
<br />Company of New York, as surety, was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, as provided
<br />by law.
<br />Notary Public bond for Vera F. Moore in the sum of $500.00 with St. Paul Mercury
<br />Indemnity Company, as surety, was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, as provided by
<br />law,
<br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board
<br />then ad j oucned.
<br />discussion.
<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />s 'TUES�DAYS_ MAY 6, 1952
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />in Regular meeting at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, May 69 19529 with the following members
<br />present: W.C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; H. C. Watts, J. J. P. Hamilton, Aubrey L. Waddell, and
<br />Allison Warren. Also present were: Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney; E. E. Carter, Road and
<br />Bridge Superintendent; L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Rudy Hubbard, of the Vera F. Moore Insurance Agency, appeared before the Board
<br />and explained the revised insurance coverage,as to amounts and premiums on same as having been
<br />discussed with him.dp a member of the Committee consisting of Commissioner Waddell, E. E. Carter,
<br />Road and Bridge Superintendent, and Douglas Baker, Clerk, and Mr. Hubbard stated that it was his
<br />and the Committee's recommendation that the -business be distributed with three agencies; i. e.,
<br />Vera F. Moore Insurance Agency, Buckingham -Wheeler Insurance Agency, and Warren T. Zeuch Insur-
<br />ance Agency, and further that the agency writing the business to receive 40% of the commission
<br />earned and the other two agencies to receive 30% each. The above recommendation was approved
<br />upon motion of Commissioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and unanimously carried.
<br />A Committee from the School Board relating to salary schedule for the teachers
<br />of the Indian River County schools, consisting of Mrs Harold Elliott, Mrs. Hershel Auxier and
<br />Mr. Leo Cahill, together with Superintendent J. A. (Coach) Thompson, and Board Member, Mrs.
<br />Jeannette Merriman, were present and requested $10,000.00 from surplus race track funds in order
<br />that teachers' salaries could be raised for the year 1952-1953. Said Committee was advised by
<br />0
<br />Chairman Graves that the matter would be carefully considered and after requesting Clerk Baker
<br />to prepare a financial summary, and after this'was done, the entire membership of this Board
<br />together with Attorney Smith, would constitute a Committee to give the matter more study and
<br />after this was done the Board again met with the School Committee for. further consideration and
<br />discussion.
<br />