It was ordered the election officials and deputy sheriffs selected to conduct the
<br />first and second primary elections be paid as follows: Daytime Boards, $.80 per hour; Night-time
<br />Boards, $1.00 per hour; maximum payment $15.00, plus $2.00 for the person who delivers ballot box,
<br />plus $.05 mileage each way, and $.80 per hour for deputy sheriffs for a period of twelve hours.
<br />The following was appointed Deputy Sheriff by L. B. O'Steent Sheriff, and Douglas
<br />Baker, Clerk, announced said appointment has been filed with him:
<br />NAME
<br />C. S. Michael, Sr.
<br />PRN CT N0.
<br />2
<br />Wabasso, Florida
<br />Deputy Sheriff's bond for C. S. Michael, Sr. in the sum of $1,000.00 with St.
<br />Paul Mercury Indemnity 2=zc== Company, as surety, was approved.
<br />A Committee, consisting of City Manager Mobley, Mayor Burger, and A. C. Mae -Connell,
<br />Director of Finance, appeared before the Board and requested an appropriation for the City of
<br />Vero Beach in the sum of $3527.00 to be included in our 1952-1953 budget for the purpose of
<br />paying salary and maintenance operation of the Indian River County Growers fire truck. Request
<br />was granted upon motion of Commissioner Watts, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried,
<br />the Board agreed to pay the sum of $250.00 towards the cost of making arrangements for the cele-
<br />bration and/or dedication of the Alex Mac William Wayside Park and honoring the late Charles H.
<br />Mitchell by dedicating State Road AlA to him, together with Memorial Day program to be held on
<br />May 30, 1952.
<br />Mr. Gene Hadden, Sanatarian for the Indian River County Health Unit, appeared be-
<br />fore the Board, together with Mr. Henry Y. Woodward, Jr., stating that he, Mr. Hadden, had been
<br />granted an educational leave and that Mr. Woodward was being transferred from St. Lucie County
<br />to take over the work subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners and upon motion
<br />duly made, seconded and carried, this action was approved by the Board.
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, was instructed to write to the Florida Improve -
<br />meat Commission having charge of surplus vehicles with authority to assign same to various agen-
<br />cies in the State, requesting that a truck be assigned for M. A. Boudet, County Agent.
<br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker, appeared before the Board ands
<br />filed a report of her activities -for the month of April, 1952.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren, and carried,
<br />letter of agreement was authorized relating to obtaining right-of-way deed for the widening of
<br />State Road #5, within the City limits of Vero Beach, and copy of said letter to be filed in the
<br />Clerk's office as to Mr. George H. Titus, Vero Beach, Florida..
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried,
<br />the Board approved the following members of Indian River County Defense Council as recommended
<br />by Colonel A. V. Lill, County Civil Defense Director: Harry Cousins, Chairman; Robert Graves,
<br />Melvin Bollinger, Harald Malm, Ed Lohman, and Earl Thatcher.
<br />Pursuant to Resolution #575 adopted by the City of Vero Beach, April 15, 19529
<br />requesting dedication of certain land in Vero Beach Estates be revoked, the following Resolution
<br />was adopted r
<br />R E S O L U T I O N -- Revoking Dedication of Part of Lot 12, Block 6,
<br />Vero Beach E t ;e to City of Vero Beach
<br />Commissioner Hamilton introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption
<br />as follows, to -wit:
<br />r
<br />WSEREAS, by Resolution heretofore adopted by the City Council of the City of Vero
<br />Beach, as to all of the parcels of property hereinafter described, the Board of County Commis-
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