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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />TUESDAY, MAY 4th, 1921. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at <br />the Court House in Vero Beach, on Tuesday May 4th 1926vat 10 o'clock A.M.with the <br />following members of the Board present: G.A.Braddock,; J.W.I.aBruce;Donald Forbes; <br />0.0.Helseth, and John H. Atkin, Chairman. Also present were Miles Warren, Clerk and <br />J.T.Knight, Sheriff. <br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br />The Deputy Sheriff bond of L.F.Mc0ullers, in the sum of $1,000.00 with C.E.Mathis <br />and J.J.P.Hamilton as sureties was approved. <br />Checks from various parties for private road work and sale of miscellaneous <br />materials were received, aggregating 4662.74 which was ordered placed in the Road & <br />Bridge Fund. <br />The semi-annual financialmstatement of the County for the period ending March <br />31, 1926 was presented by the Clerk, and same being found in order was approved by the <br />Bard and ordered forwarded to the State Comptroller. <br />The Vero Beach Press was designated as the newspaper in which the laws of the <br />extra -ordinary session of the Legislature of November 1925 shall be published. <br />The Notary Public bond of J.A.Hannea in the sum of 4500.00 with the American <br />Surety Company, of New York, a corporation waa approved. <br />The Notary Public bond of C.V.Farria, in the sum of $500.00 with the American <br />Surety Company of New York, a corporation, was approved. <br />The Notary Public bond of A.B.Brady, in the sum of $500.00 with the American <br />Surety Company, of New York, a corporation, was approved. <br />Fire Arm Bond of Ormond Taylor in the sum of $100.00 with A.G.Even and Chas D. <br />Toole as sureties for license to carry a 38 Special S.& T. Revolver Factory No.176292 <br />was ordered laid over for further consideration. <br />The following Road Committee Report was received and read: <br />ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT <br />We, the undersigned Committee appointed by Honorable Body on the 6th day of <br />April 1926 with instruction to view and mark out the best route for a public road, <br />described in the petition as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point 15 ft.South of <br />the North -Salt corner of the Nort-East 1/4 of the Borth -east 1/4 Sec 25 Twp 33 S.R. <br />39 E. thence East parallel to the Section line to a point in the Teat right of way <br />line of the Dixie Highway in sec. 30 Twp 33 S R 40 S, beg leave to report to your <br />honors as foliowss That we, after first having subscribed to the oath required by law <br />before entering on our duties make this out general reports That we proceeded to the <br />said proposed location of the said public road upon the 24th day of April 1926,and <br />viewed and marked out the following as the best route for said proposed road.(Said <br />road is to be fifty feet wide): <br />Beginning at the Horth -east corner of the North-East 1/4 of the North-East 2/4 <br />Sec. 26 Twp 33 S R 39 E. Thence East parallel to the Section line to a point on the <br />Veer right of way line of the Dixie Highway in Seo. 30 Twp. 33 S R 1 40 E. provided <br />that the proposed paving be placed on the South side of the center line of the above <br />described right of way, and provided further that the building now on this right of <br />way be allowed to remain untill such time as the needs of the County shall demand the <br />full width of unobstructed right of wey. At which time the owner of said building <br />shall remove the same without cost to the County. <br />Therefore, having performed the duties required by law under the appointment of <br />your honors, we pray to be discharged. <br />