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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:37:17 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 3:52:49 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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r"'254 <br />Upon being duly seconded by Commissioner Waddell, the same was unanimously adopted. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were ex- <br />amined and found correct , were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same, Such bills <br />and accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the warrants so <br />issued from the respective funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute Book, as provided by <br />the rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so recorded being made a <br />part of these minutes. <br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disburse- <br />ments of the various funds, which having been audited, were found to be correct. <br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board <br />then adjourned until 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, September 9, 1952. <br />'CHAIRMAN <br />ATTEST: i <br />C <br />--------------------------------------------- - ----------- - r - r r r - - r - -------- <br />TUESDAY, <br />------- <br />TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1952 <br />The Board of County Commissioners df Indian River County met at the Court House <br />in Regular Adjourned meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, September 9, 1952, with the following <br />members present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; H. C. Watts, Aubrey L. Waddell and Allispn Warren. <br />Also present were S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney; E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent; L. B. <br />O'Steen, Sheriff; and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Commissioner Warren, Chairman of the Sign Committee, reported on cost of various <br />signs and markers for roads and streets and recommended a citizens committee for each district <br />to name roads and street not already named, and that same be designated on County plats, and <br />further that the County proceed to erect concrete signs on County roads. Chairman Graves then <br />requested the Committee to carry on with this work.- <br />Motion <br />ork.Motion was made by Commissioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and un- <br />animously carried, that certain equipment be purchased from the Shell Service Station for the <br />Road and Bridge Department in the sum of $1490.00. <br />Attorney Smith and Clerk Baker were requested to prepare an article for publica- <br />tion as to the tax increases and/or decreases brought about by the several political subdivisions <br />of the County. <br />Mr. Hans Barker of the Barker -Williams Electric Company, was authorized to move air <br />conditioning units from the Sheriff's Office to the County Judge's Office at a cost not to exceed <br />$100.00. The motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner `fatts and carried. <br /><Commissioner Warren, E. E. Carter and Douglas Baker were appointed a Committee on <br />insulation for the Court House. <br />A copy of the advertising containing the estimates of Budget made by the Board of <br />County Commissioners at a meeting held at the Court House on the 11th day of August, 1952, with <br />the P'ublisher's affidavit annexed and presented to the Board and ordered spread upon the minutes' <br />and is in words and figures as follows, to -wit: <br />
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