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means of obtaining grant funding. The matter is on the legislative agenda For tomorrow <br />advising them that this application will be submitted for a grant providing the Board <br />approves the action at this meeting. He noted that the prior item (I I.J.2.) on the brine line <br />was funded 100% by the State Legislature, <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED THE QUESTION and the motion <br />carried unanimously. (Approved submitting a funding request <br />to the local Legislative Delegation with additional funding <br />requests to the Department of Environmental Protection and St. <br />John's River Water Management District.) <br />11.J.4. INDIAN RIVER PARK OF COMMERCE ALONG SR60 - <br />WEST OF I-95 - WATER AND SEWER MASTER -PLANNED MAIN <br />EXTENSIONS FROM 98TH AVENUE TO 100TH AVENUE - GEORGE <br />E. FRENCH - WORK AUTHORIZATION DIRECTIVE NO, 2001-075 <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Neuberger, SECONDED BY <br />Vice Chairman Ginn, the Board unanimously approved the <br />expenditure of funds for this project in the total estimated <br />amount of $210,000 and authorized the Chairman to execute <br />Work Authorization No. 2001-75 in the amount of $108,277.73 <br />to George E. French, Inc., for the labor portion of the project, <br />as recommended in the memorandum. <br />November 4, 2003 <br />WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. 2001-075 IS ON FILE <br />IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />27 I <br />,s <br />