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12.A. PUBLIC SCHOOL PLANNING - PLANNING AND ZONING <br />COMMISSION - PROVIDE FOR SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE <br />ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON D ;CEMBER <br />2, 2003 AUTHORIZED TO CONSIDER AMENDING SECTION 103.03.1 <br />OF THE CODE <br />County Attorney Collins reviewed his memo to request a public hearing and <br />responded to Vice Chairman Ginn's inquiry as to this being required by Stale law. <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Ginn, SECONDED BY <br />Commissioner Neuberger, the Board unanimously authorized <br />the advertisement for a public hearing on December 2, 2003, of <br />an ordinance to amend Section 103.03.1 to add a School Board <br />representative as a non-voting member of the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission, as recommended in the memorandum. <br />13.A.I. CHAIRMAN MACHT - DRAFT A RESOLUTION URGING <br />THE STATE TO SUPPORT EXISTING FLORIDA WATER L., AW AS IT <br />RELATES TO THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF WATER ALLOCATION <br />Chairman Macht reviewed his request in his memorandum. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED BY Vice <br />Chairman Ginn, the Board unanimously directed the County <br />Attorney to prepare a resolution (similar to the one from <br />Broward County) urging the Governor and the Florida <br />Legislature to support existing Florida water law as it relates to <br />the sale or transfer of water allocation. <br />November 4, 2003 <br />28 <br />