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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1952 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House <br />in Regular Meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, October 7, 1952, with the following members <br />present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; H. C. Watts, J. J. P. Hamilton and Aubrey L. Waddell. <br />Also present were S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney; E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent; and <br />Kathryn Morrison, Deputy Clerk. <br />Minutes of September 2, 1952, were read and the same were approved upon motion <br />of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried. <br />Minutes of September 9, 1952, were read and the same were approved upon motion <br />made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried. <br />E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent, gave a report as to the work being <br />done by the Road and Bridge Department. <br />Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared -before the Board and requested authority <br />new <br />to purchase a/printing calculator for the Assessor's Office stating that the approximate cost of <br />a new machine was $447.75, less trade-in on adding machine of $82.50, or a net cost of $365.25. <br />Said request was granted on motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and <br />carried. <br />for E. B. Martin, Vero Beach, Florida. <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker, made a report of her activities <br />for the month of September, 1952, and the report was filed with the Clerk. <br />Mr. George W. Simons, Jr. of Jacksonville, Florida, presented his idea of a County <br />zoning the Commissioners and requested a meeting be called of the County Planning and <br />Zoning Commission to meet with this Board at 2:00 o'clock P.M., Thursday, October 16,1952, and <br />it was so ordered. <br />Mr. Joseph Walton appeared before the Board to present a plat for filing in which <br />a 250 foot right-of-way is dedicated to the County for public road rights-of-way, said 250 foot <br />right-of-way being the -north 250 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 28, Township 33 South, Range <br />40 Eastland the north 250 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 279 Township 33 South, Range 40 East, <br />lying west of A -1-A Highway. <br />On motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, <br />the Board agreed to accept said right-of-way and that said proposed plat of the north 250 feet of <br />Government Lot 11 Section 28, Township 33 South, Range 40 East, and the north 250 feet of Govern- <br />ment Lot 1, Section 27, Township 33 South, Range 40 East, be placed on record. <br />Audit Report #3794 dated December 31, 1951 of the Florida Inland Navigation Dis- <br />trict was presented and ordered filed as part of the public records of Indian River County as <br />provided in Section 125.09 Florida Statutes. <br />Mrs. Alice Helleso of the County Health Unit appeared before the Board regarding <br />dedication ceremony as to the new Health Center Unit. Mrs. Helleso was advised the ceremony <br />would be under the direction of the V. F. W. and the American Legion to be held November 11, 1952." <br />Chairman Graves stated that he was ordering the placque for the dedication. <br />On motion made by Commissioner Watts, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, <br />the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign closing agreement with the Florida East Coast Rail- <br />road dated July 21, 1952, with the provision that all costs in connection with the Railroad cross- <br />ing in question including any future costs must be borne by the affected property owners and if <br />any future costs are unpaid by the affected property owners that the County will abandon the <br />crossing. <br />The Board approved applications for admission to the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium <br />for Arthur Jones (colored) and Augrest Foye (colored) of Gifford, Florida. <br />The Board approved application for admission to the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium <br />for E. B. Martin, Vero Beach, Florida. <br />